With thousands of youth nationwide participated in a campaign to curb tobacco use, many events took place across the state on March 15. Students at DeKalb County High, DeKalb Middle and DeKalb West schools recognized the campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Kick Butts Day on March 15.
The event was sponsored by DeKalb Prevention Coalition, DeKalb County Health Department, Coordinated School Health, and St. Thomas Hospital.
The schools had informational booths pertaining to the consequences of tobacco, a tobacco-free pledge, and games. There were many items for giveaways, including t-shirts donated by St. Thomas Hospital, and water bottles, frisbees, bracelets, etc., donated by the Health Department. Participants included the DeKalb County High Wellness classes, the DeKalb Middle School SADD (Students against Destructive Decisions) club, and DeKalb West Beta club. Student participation reached almost 1,500 students.