Belated Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! At First Methodist, a video was shown depicting the history of Father’s Day then treats were given out by the children to the fathers present. The children’s message was presented by Carlton Miller. Dr. John Carpenter, pastor, mentioned in his sermon the good traits of his father.
Get-well wishes to Hilda Meyers, Eugene Colwell, Judy Robbins, and all the residents at the Webb House and nursing home. I noticed the Jamboree stage is up ready for the big Jamboree coming the first weekend in July. Let the music begin! I have mentioned before Berry Williams, one of the first organizers of this event. He would be pleased with the growth of the Jamboree. A previously stated, Berry asked me to be on the first planning committee along with Lavelle Smith, Ralph Vaughn; Bobo Driver and several community leaders. Berry stated that people would come from all over the world and they did...Australia, France, etc.
Congratulations to James Sherwood and Andrew Cooper, recent graduates at Webb School in Bell Buckle. Both received distinguished honors. Thomas Webb was named on the A Honor Roll and Amber Jared and Nate Sherwood were named on the B Honor Roll.
Little Malachi Pylant was honored on his 6th birthday with a swimming party at Ragland Bottom last weekend. The children enjoyed playing on the playground as well as swimming. Later they enjoyed birthday cake and BBQ. Those attending were his cousins, Lee Bandy, his grandfather, Derek Driver and Kiana, Taylan, Robert and Keira and brother Isaiah.
I attended our Methodist Annual Conference at Brentwood Methodist Church on June 13 as a lay delegate. Also attending from Smithville were Dr. John Carpenter, Rev. Tommy and Betty Davis, and Betty Jo Forkner. I also attended the Retiree Luncheon and witnessed the Memorial Service. It was good to see old friends.
Thought of the Week: "Enjoy each day and ol friends.