People have been using signs from nature to predict the weather since the beginning of time. Science may not support all of the theories, but here are a few interesting methods that have stood the test of time. According to folklore, you can predict the coming of winter weather by slicing open a persimmon seed. This year the seeds had a spoon shape deep inside prognosticating a winter of heavy snow. The Wooly Worm is another predictor that needs to be inspected every year for the narrowing or the absence of brown. The darker the color one can expect bad winter weather.
Today is February 2nd, Ground Hog-Day. It seems that Punxsutawney Phil, the official groundhog, did not see his shadow, so the forecast is an early spring. We will be observing to see if Phil is accurate with his prediction. We have observed another well know sign of an early spring, the robins feeding in the yard. Time will tell.
The next big event is Valentine’s Day. It is common for friends, family and loves to exchange small tokens of affection, such as flowers, cards, or candy. Valentine’s Day is the second largest card-sending holiday of the year with women purchasing approximately 85 percent of all valentines. Let’s all remember to show our love to one another every day in word and deed.
February is also the "Love" month at Dry Creek Baptist Church. The following events are scheduled for February down at the church: February 7th is Love "God and Jesus" Sunday, February 10th is Love "the Bible" with a special Gideon service with Jerry Parker of Murfreesboro and a love offering, February 14th "Love Your Family" where families will be recognized, February 17th church wide Valentine’s Banquet, February 18th the adult seniors go out to eat at the Farmers Restaurant, February 21st "Love Your Church Sunday School", February 19th Friday night marriage retreat at Ramada In in Lebanon, February 28th "Love the Lost and Unchurched".
Lisa Cripps has been talking about Elizabeth Chapel’s annual Valentine Banquet on February 10th. There’s a small group of senior adults (a few church ladies) that get bused in from Shady Pines (a made up place) to do their entertainment. This group has been known to uplift the climate of small groups. We look forward to hearing about the fun they have at ECBC.
Matilda Earl and Bobby Joines reminisced concerning Bobby’s granddad, Uncle Acie Joines, making "Two Tops". This was the top of a hot biscuit with hot coffee poured on top. Yum. Many people loved to visit Uncle Acie and hear the stories he told.
Dry Creek Community extends sympathy to the Luther Lawrence and Micheal Minnear families. Congratulations to William and Sharon Kovinger who are expecting a grandchild this week.
This was one a section of a devotional this week; Teenagers spend an average of 7½ hours every day on media, and many adults are the same, but not much of what is consumed is thought-provoking, faith-building or life-changing. When we don’t spend time with God, lives suffer. Attitudes, relationships, everything erodes. Just like a plant, we need to be firmly rooted. God bless.