From all accounts the New Year 2018 came in without any kind of interruption happening. Didn’t stay up till midnight to witness this event as so many millions did but looking forward to a much better year than 2017.
Funny how the resolutions we make for the New Year don’t last “till the water gets hot”. We try to lose weight, get ourselves and the home front more organized, be kinder to others, pay off debts and put more money in savings to name a few items on our list. We all mean well but let’s face it it’s harder to accomplish than you might think on some of these resolutions. The last few years I’ve wanted to get all of my Christmas cards mailed the first week of December. Needless to say, that has yet to happen. My new strategy is to get the cards all done in the month of November. If you’re like me, this will relieve some stress and give us some peace of mind. Right now in the mailings I’m getting from different companies some of those beautiful Christmas cards have been drastically reduced so you can save a bundle on them and have a jump on next Chrismas.
We need to keep in prayer the following people: Bob Goundry (he has pneumonia and is in the hospital), Gerry Nokes (having a bout with pneumonia also), Stephanie Alexander, Bill Nokes, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, Houston and Martha Parker, Charlie Mai Daniel, Alene Ferrell and Fay Pitts.
If you have any news for the column just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. – Mark 16:15