The chances were 1 in 100,000 but it happened – triplet Angus calves were born on Cantrell Farms.
“When I left, there were twins,” recalled Jeff Cantrell of the day the calves to born to one of his pregnant heifers. “But, when I came back, there were three. She must have not been through and had that last one after I left.”
The two bulls and one heifer are doing fine nearly two months after the unusual birth that happened Oct. 25 as Jeff is currently trying to ween them off milk and onto solid feed on his Lonnie Cantrell farm – the road named after his grandfather from whom he takes his love of farming. The mother of the calves is also doing well, after losing about 300 pounds giving birth to three 75-pound calves (at the time of their birth).
“It was a big surprise,” he admitted of the triplets. “Had they all been bulls, the chances increased to one in 700,000.”