The ballots for the August 4, 2022 elections in DeKalb County have now been finalized and includes over 80 candidates and 26 Judicial Retention questions.
“The ballot is lengthy, particularly where city elections are held and with the judicial retention questions, and we encourage voters to study the ballot in advance of showing up at the polls,” said Dennis Stanley, DeKalb County Administrator of Elections.
County-wide, voters will vote in contested races for County Executive, Road Superintendent, General Sessions Judge and Register of Deeds. Candidates for Trustee, Sheriff, Circuit Court Clerk, and County Clerk are uncontested.
Six of the seven county commission races are contested and two of the school board races are contested.
Offices for the 13th Judicial District are also on the ballot, but with only one contested race.
Alexandria, Dowelltown, Liberty and Smithville are having Municipal elections on the same day. In Alexandria two candidates are seeking the Mayor’s seat. In Liberty two candidates are running for Mayor and six candidates are vying for five seats on the Liberty City Board. In Smithville three candidates are seeking two seats on the City Board.
Two statewide primaries are also being held on August 4th. On both the Republican and Democratic Primary ballots are candidates for Governor, U.S. Congress 6th District, State House 40th District and party representatives for the State Executive Committee District 16.
“Voters are reminded that on the county ballot, Democrats, Republicans and Independents are all listed and they can choose to vote for a Republican in one race, a Democrat in another, or an Independent,” Stanley said. “However, if a voter wishes to cast a ballot in the Tennessee primaries, they can only choose one party.” Voting in one of the state primaries has no impact on the County General Election ballot.
Meanwhile, following are some key dates relating to the August elections:
· Voter registration deadline is July 5
· Last day to request an Absentee ballot is July 28
· Early voting is July 15-July 30