County Budget Committee meeting
There will be a Budget Committee meeting of the DeKalb County Commission on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the lower courtroom of the DeKalb County courthouse for discussion of Fiscal Year 20-21 budget requests. Various departments will submit budgets. Social distancing will be practiced.
County Commission Special Called Meeting
There will be a special called meeting of the Dekalb County Commission on Monday June 8, 2020 at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of confirming the appointment of Scott Little to the budget committee and Jeff Barnes as chairman. The special called meeting will be held by conference call and will be broadcast live on WJLE.
Cooper’s Missionary Baptist Church will be having revival June 8-12. Starting at 7 p.m. nightly. Bro. Seber and Bro. Leftwich will be preaching. Everyone is welcome.
Snow Hill Baptist Church reopening
Snow Hill Baptist Church will be re-joing in service inside the church on Sunday, June 7. There will not be Sunday School, but preaching will begin at 10 a.m. Wear your mask if you want to. We will be practicing Social Distancing within the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome to this long awaited event. Bro. Todd Pack is the Pastor. God is Good.
Top of Form
Registration Underway for Virtual 2020 Jamboree
The 49th annual Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Crafts Festival will not be held in the traditional manner due to COVID-19. Instead, a Virtual 2020 Jamboree will be conducted featuring seven categories of competition online. Contestants must submit video recordings of their competitive performances by May 28 for judging. The winning performers will be announced on July 4th.
This year’s competitive events are limited to Beginner Fiddle, Junior Fiddle, Senior Fiddle, Junior Clogging, Senior Clogging, Contest Fiddle, and the Fiddle-Off Champion. There will be a $100 cash prize for each winning category and other recognition including People’s Choice Awards. Contestants must have a valid Facebook Page. All performance entries may be submitted via personal video to the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree Facebook page anytime now through midnight on May 28.
Visit for contest rules.
Need Help Completing Census Form?
If you need help filling out your Census form call the DeKalb Senior Center at 615-597-7575. You do not have to be a senior. If you do not have the paperwork that was mailed an online form can be accessed and filled out. No social security number is needed. Just general household information. It only takes a few minutes.
COVID-19 Information Hotline
Have questions about COVID-19? Call the Upper Cumberland Region Information Hotline at 931-646-7581. The Tennessee Department of Health maintains daily updates regarding COVID-19 on their Facebook page at
L.B.J. & C. Head Start
The L.B.J. & C. Development Corporation Board of Director’s will hold their bi-monthly meeting Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at the L.B.J. & C. Development Corporation, 1150 Chocolate Drive, Cookeville, Tennessee. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Commodity Distribution
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency will hold a commodities distribution for DeKalb County on Thursday, June 25, 2020 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at the DeKalb County (UCHRA) office. Sign up will be available at the distribution site.
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion, or disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services or activities. “This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee.”
Banks Cemetery Decoration
The annual decoration at Banks cemetery in DeKalb County will be held June 5, 6, 7. Please plan to attend. Your support is needed so the cemetery can be properly maintained and kept looking good. Someone will be onsite during decoration days to accept donations or they may be mailed to: Robert Joins, Treasurer, 846 Luttrell Avenue, Smithville, TN 37166; or Ernie Winchester, President, 1070 Tabernacle Road, Smithville, TN 37166; or Melissa Ferrell, Vice President, 8001 Short Mountain Road, Woodbury, TN 37190.
Sobriety Checkpoints
The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting a Sobriety checkpoint June 12, 2020 on State Route 56 in DeKalb County. Impaired driving is a serious crime that kills more than 16,000 people and injuries 305,000 others every year in the United States. Troopers will evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment. Troopers will target those who operate a vehicle while impaired and take corrective actions for other violations observed while ensuring the protection of all motorists. The Tennessee Highway Patrol recognizes that sobriety c checkpoints are highly visible and effective tool in the battle against impaired driving.
Decoration Day
This will be at Mount Holly Cemetery on June 14, 2020. The Mount Holly Cemetery Association will meet in a regular business meeting on June 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the cemetery. Donation to the cemetery may be mailed to: Darlene Evans, 1820 Students Home Rd., Smithville, TN, 37166 or given at the cemetery on June 14.
Donations needed for Jacob Pillar Cemetery
Donations are needed for the mowing of Jacobs Pillar Cemetery. Donations may be sent to Jack Patterson at 6094 Patterson Road, Smithville TN 37166.
Adcock Cemetery is needing donations for its mowing fund. They may be sent to Winnie Petty, 255 Petty Road, Smithville, TN 37166.
Petty Cemetery needs money for its mowing fund. Donations may be sent to Marlene Petty Bly, 825 Driver Street, Smithville, TN 37166.
Donations needed for Cannady Cemetery
Donations is needed for mowing expenses. Please mail to Brenda Hooper, 1653 Allen Ferry Road, Smithville, TN 37166.