Awards were handed out at the annual DCHS Fighting Tiger Band banquet Saturday (May 6) for leadership, servanthood, rookie, for most improved, other recognitions.
Band Director Don Whitt presented Gavin Conger with the top award of the night, the John Phillip Sousa award. The John Philip Sousa Band Award recognizes those young musicians displaying superior musicianship, leadership, dependability, loyalty, cooperation, and other qualities of conduct which school instrumental music programs strive to impart. The Sousa award is the most prestigious nationwide prize in the school band field.
Whitt presented the Louis Armstrong award to Serenity Burgess. It’s considered the "top senior jazz award" or highest level interscholastic award given to students at high schools in the United States. It is given in recognition of "outstanding musical achievement and an incredible dedication to the program.”
Trophies were handed out to the school’s award-winning color guard program: Color Guard-Superstar Award-Olivia Diego, Color Guard Perseverance Award-Jamey Bradshaw, Color Guard Servant Leader-Lauren Clark, Color Guard Star Performer-Elizabeth Mosley, Crissy White, Cameron Smith, Hannah Swoape, Bairon Hernandez, and Yoana Hernandez, Color Guard-Best Rookie-Kara Inglis, Color Guard-Most Improved-Gracelynn McKeown, and Color Guard Leadership Award-Ashton McClain.
The Excellence in Section Leadership went to Gavin Conger, Isaac Sasser, and Serenity Patterson-Percussion; Gage Cote-Woodwinds, Owen Warren-Low Brass, Amy Nokes-flute, Ayden Jones and Jaden Wildes-Trumpet, Aaron Maples and Olivia Diego-Clarinet, Marvin “B.J.” Mosley-Saxophone, and Eli Martin-Color Guard, and Serenity Burgess-Drum Major/Field Commander. Burgess also received an award for receiving Superior Ratings. “Mechanical Genius” awards went to Gage Cote, Nathan Hall, Isaac Sasser, and Owen Warren.
The Rising Star awards were presented to Lily Waggoner, flute, Alex Avalos, alto sax, Adriana Lubig, French horn, Cameron Ramsey, tenor sax, and J.D. Thomas, percussion while Upcoming Superstar-Percussion went to Karly Vickers.
Receiving the Star Performer soloist awards were Jaden Wildes, Cadence Orcutt, Karson Smallwood, Gavin Conger, Katie Inglis, Alexis Stanley, Nate Hall, Marvin “B.J.” Mosley, Ayden Jones, Grace McKeown, and Elizabeth Mosley. Most Improved was presented to DaKota Boring and Oscar Beltran Resendiz. Rising Star Rookie trophies were presented to Cassidy Orcutt and Audrey Colwell, clarinet, and Sarah Nokes, bass clarinet. Daniel Stiffler received Servant Leader and Briston Henderson was handed the MVP Award. The “Going Beyond the Call” Servant Leadership awards were presented to Lilly Waggoner, Amy Nokes, Katie Inglis, and Serenity Burgess.
Medals were given to all members of the marching band for going to the band’s first state championship in 8 years. The band placed 13th out of 30 bands in Tennessee.