Dekalb County Republican Party Elects Officers
SMITHVILLE, TN- The Dekalb County Republican Party met on Saturday, March 27, 2021, at Greenbrook Park and elected officers. Those elected to the Executive Committee are: Chairman Dustin Estes, Vice Chair Melissa Miller, Secretary Clint Hall, Treasurer Tom Chandler, and Vice Treasurer Vester Parsley. These officers will serve for the next two years, consisting of the key county, state, and federal elections in 2022.
Dekalb County Republicans look to continue their tremendous success of the 2020 elections. In the August Dekalb County General Election, Republican Assessor of Property Shannon Cantrell swept all precincts on his way to victory, and Republican Constable Travis Bryant collected the most votes of any Constable candidate in Dekalb County. President Trump received nearly 80% of the vote in Dekalb County in the November election, followed closely by the success of Senator Bill Hagerty and Congressman John Rose.
“It’s a great time to be a Republican in Dekalb County,” Chairman Dustin Estes said. “We are seeking candidates right now for the 2022 Elections. Our priorities are 1) to reelect our current Republican Officials, 2) elect a Republican County Mayor and Register of Deeds, and, 3) for the first time in modern history, elect a Republican Majority on the County Commission. We also need good conservatives to serve on the School Board and various Alderman positions.”
“It matters who governs,” continued Estes. “With the disaster that is going on in Washington DC right now, our last line of defense is our local government, and we MUST elect conservative Republicans to counter their liberal policies.”
Interested candidates can contact Chairman Dustin Estes at or Secretary Clint Hall at For more information, go to our Facebook Page at Dekalb County Republican Party.