For 24 years Bratten “Butch” Cook, II, has served on the bench in DeKalb County, and locals turned out last Friday afternoon to thank him for his years of service. The retirement event was held at the DeKalb County Complex, and saw public officials and citizens stop in to wish Judge Cook a fond farewell.
Judge Cook decided not to run for reelection this term, with local attorney Brandon Cox winning election as his replacement. Judge Cook said that while he’s enjoyed his time serving DeKalb, he’s ready for a break.
“I’m ready for retirement,” Cook said with a smile. “I’ve enjoyed just about the whole time, but there’ve been a few instances I didn’t enjoy. I think juvenile court has given me more pleasure as far as anything in court. Our recovery court has also been fabulous. My successor Judge Brandon Cox is going to keep that open and will try to improve it and expand it. He’s already asked me to be on that recovery court team and I’m going to do all I can to help him, not only with that but with anything else he needs.”
Judge Cook may be retiring from the bench, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be gone from his practice. Because of the way Tennessee judges are classified, Judge Cook will be able to continue to practice law in the area. “My judgeship is what they call a Continuing Part-Time Judge. That’s because we have counties that don’t reach a certain population.”
In counties with less than 30,000 in population, judges can continue to practice law after retiring from a judgeship. In counties with a higher population, judges cannot practice law after retiring.
While Judge Cook said he will miss the judgeship, he looks forward to some travel time. “The challenge with being a judge is that you can’t just take a month off and travel. I have been so blessed as judge to have Hilton Conger, the Smithville City Judge, and Vestor Parsley, a former General Sessions and city judge, to fill in for me at times. It’s been wonderful to be able to call them and they step in no questions asked.”
Judge Cook also said he wanted to thank all of his supporters over the years. “This goes to anyone that has ever put their name on a ballot. It is no small feat to put yourself out there and see how the people like you or don’t like you. The people of DeKalb County elected me three different times, and I have said many times that I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to help as many people that I believe I have. Especially our juveniles and our people in the recovery court, formerly known as drug court.”
“I look forward to the opportunity of assisting Judge Cox, as well as other judges,” Cook continued. “I’m on the Judge list to fill in for judges in the contiguous counties when they have conflicts, illness, or whatnot that causes them to be away from the bench. I hope the people of DeKalb County have been satisfied with my job performance and I know Brandon Cox will do a wonderful job. He’s a fine young man, a Christian man, a family man, and has a lot of common sense.”
Judge-Elect Brandon Cox was at the event and had kind words for Cook. Cox will be sworn in as judge next Friday at a ceremony at the courthouse. “Judge Cook has started a lot and done a lot in his 24 years. I know one of his proudest achievements is the recovery court program that he started several years ago. It’s a thriving and successful program that I intend to continue and help to grow.”
Cox also wanted to thank the people who supported and voted for him in the election. “It’s the most humbling experience in the world to run for county office, and to get someone to actually vote for you. With the numbers that came out I’m extremely thankful. It was a long and arduous campaign season. I’m just appreciative of all my supporters.”