Sheriff Patrick Ray wants to make the public to be aware of scam calls using the sheriff department’s phone number. More than one resident in the county has received these calls.
A complaint was received saying they received a call from the sheriff’s office number saying there were warrants for their arrest in another state. The caller said if money was not paid someone from the sheriff’s department would arrest them.
Another resident received the spoofing call from someone who claimed to be with security from Apple. These callers want you to get Apple cards, Green Dot cards or Visa cards.
The sheriff warns that his department does not solicit and ask for money for any reason over the phone.
“No one from the sheriff’s department will say you have a warrant and have to pay money over the phone,” said Sheriff Patrick Ray.
“If anyone receives a call from the sheriff’s department phone number and has questions about it, hang up and call me at the office,” he continued.
Spoofing is where a person or program successfully identifies as another by falsifying data, to gain an illegitimate advantage.