It was a packed meeting room at Alexandria Town Hall last Thursday evening, as a special-called meeting was held for a disciplinary hearing concerning Alexandria Police Chief Kenneth (K.D.) Smith. Chief Smith had been placed on suspension without pay a week prior by Mayor Beth Tripp, after she handed him a written reprimand. It was standing room only at town hall as concerned citizens came out in support of the chief.
According to the reprimand notice, Smith is suspended for alleged events on November 30, 2024, December 14, 2024, March 10, 2025, and March 13, 2025. The reprimand stated the following:
“Resident complaints on several occasions telling residents city information. Making workplace intolerable. Making workers and myself (Mayor Tripp) feel unsafe. This isn’t the first time. I gave several warnings on your temper and voice getting loud. Body language shows anger. Not following chain of command on several occasions. Talked with you several times trying to get you to calm down. Many residents have complained to me about you.”
Smith was hired in September 2024, after the entire police force resigned the previous month. According to former Police Chief Travis Bryant, he had some concerns over the new government and who was running it.
During the hearing, Chief Smith addressed the town council, asking, “What is the purpose of this meeting? That is what I would like to know.” He was given no response by the council.
Chief Smith then stated, “There are no supporting documents that is available to support these false allegations. There are no laws, there’s no ordinances listed that I violated. I filed a grievance with the city that was turned in on Monday (March 17) … concerning the reprimand.”
“There are some things I requested in the grievance process; a detailed documentation of each citizen or employee’s complaint filed with city hall; detailed documentation of alleged release of city business to citizens; detailed documentation of any alleged chain of command violations; detailed documentation or evidence of alleged verbal counselling; detailed documentation or evidence of an intolerable workplace allegations; and detailed documentation or evidence of alleged event dates.”
Chief Smith said that detailed documents must have included coinciding dates, times, locations, and parties involved and be provided by March 18, 2025 at 4 p.m. “There’s been three days for the city to get the proper documentation that I have requested be provided to me. There has nothing been provided. No documentation to support what has been alleged,” said Chief Smith.
Chief Smith then told the council the proper procedure for law enforcement hearings. “Tennessee Code Annotated Title 38 lays out the due process procedures for law enforcement officers. The mayor has violated this TCA code.”
“She (the mayor) has also attempted to fill my position as chief prior to this hearing. The grievance I filed at city hall, requesting the detailed documentation and the grievance be heard by a neutral decision-making party that has no vested interest in the outcome of this hearing.”
“I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support that I’ve got from the citizens of this community. I never dreamed when I took this position, that I would have this much support.”
“I covered the reason why I filed the grievance. There’s no supporting documents to back up the allegations that I’ve been accused of. There’s no backup or documentation to show that I have violated any law, or city or departmental policy. I am requesting that the city follow TCA Title 38, the due process to a police officer. That is state law. I am requesting that this hearing be dismissed; that I be reinstated to full active duty to my position so I can continue to run the department to care for the citizens of this town which they deserve; and request that I get the lost wages from the suspension reinstated to me. Thank you.” said Chief Smith.