The Smithville Board of Mayor and Aldermen had some good news at their last regular meeting on Monday, March 7, after Mayor Josh Miller announced that the new 2,400 square foot splash pad, set to be built at Green Brook Park, has been delivered off site and is ready to be constructed.
“Hopefully in the next couple of weeks they will start construction on our splash pad,” Mayor Miller said. “I talked to Mr. Adam Walton today and we are still planning for May. I am hoping for the first of May. I will get with everyone and hopefully we can have a groundbreaking soon.”
The board voted to approve an $180,000 budget amendment in November 2021, to move ahead with the splash pad, as well as pay for the purchase of new Local Government software to help enable online payment of city property taxes. $173,000 is set aside for the splash pad, with $7,000 for the software, with included maintenance and training. Aquatix of Cookeville won the bid for the project, at $172,976.
The board also moved forward with a $40,000 budget amendment, on first reading, for the resurfacing and realignment of the city’s tennis courts located next to the Smithville Golf Course, and approved a budget amendment on second reading, for a $20,000 contribution to the DeKalb County Youth Baseball League for repairs to Joe L. Evins Ballpark. Both projects use the city’s share of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds.