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Tennessee Right to Life PAC Endorses Representative Michael Hale
Michael Hale

Based on Record of Shared Commitment and Dedication to Pro-Life Cause

The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization has endorsed Representative Michael Hale for TN House District 40, representing Cannon, Dekalb, Jackson, Smith and part of Wilson Counties. Citing Hale’s demonstrated commitment to defending Tennessee's vulnerable unborn children, the organization underscored their support. "Representative Hale represents Tennessee's pro-life values and will be a consistent voice for those who can't speak for themselves," said Roger Kane, president of Tennessee Right to Life Political Action Committee.

"Tennesseans have made great strides in restoring protections for women and their unborn children. Currently, it is estimated that the Human Life Protection Act is saving more than 1,000 women and children from abortion in our state every month. Keeping this law in place has only been possible through the support of pro-life legislators like Representative Hale," said Kane. "But there remains much work to do which will require courage and conviction."

Tennessee Right to Life strongly believes that Representative Hale’s record of support for the sanctity of human life makes him qualified to speak for those who have no other voice and fully endorses his campaign in the 40th District.

We urge every pro-life voter in the 40th District to work and vote for his re-election.