Commodities Distribution
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution in DeKalb County on Thursday, April 224, 2025, from 9 - 11 a.m. at 726 S. Congress Blvd.: Smithville, TN. Clients can sign up ahead of time online or at the distribution site on the day of the event. Visit for more information about UCHRA’s commodities program including instructions on how to apply. The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion, or disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee
American Legions Meeting
The American Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary will meet Thursday, March 20 at 6:00. A meal will be enjoyed before the meeting. Chicken tenders from Kilgore's will be the entree. All members and their spouses are welcome.
Democrat’s reorganization
Join the DeKalb County Democrats at 9am on Saturday, April 5, 2025 in the DCHS lunchroom for coffee, donuts, and our reorganization meeting. Everyone is welcome, and we want to hear your ideas about how we can support our county and community! Please contact for more information. Connect with us as or
Keep DeKalb Beautiful
Keep DeKalb County beautiful! Join the DeKalb County Democrats at 7am on Saturday, April 12, 2025 in the DCHS parking lot for our Adopt-a-Highway trash pick up. Bags, gloves, trash grabbers, and safety vests are provided. All are welcome and appreciated! Please contact to volunteer or for more information. Connect with us at or
FCE Meetings
The FCE will be meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. at the DeKalb County Complex in the Motlow Conference room. Everyone is invited to attend.
Are you raising a relative child or need housing assistance? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Development District toll-free at 1-800-275-8233. A support group meeting will be held for relatives caring for relative children during the month. Please contact Melissa Allison at 931-476-4127. If you are interested in attending this meeting. For housing assistance, while caring for a minor child, please contact Myra Walker.
Veterans Service Officer Ready To Assist
Are you a veteran in need of assistance? DeKalb County has a Veteran’s Service Officer ready to help you, not only with filing claims, but for conversations about your service. Officer Erica Degni is located on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse and is ready to offer assistance. She is available for in-office visits each Tuesday and Thursday or can be reached by calling 615-597-3003. DeKalb County appreciates the service of all veterans and is proud to provide this
L.B.J.& C. Head Start is currently accepting applications to provide free comprehensive child development services to children 3-5 years of age for all children including children with disabilities in a full day program. School Readiness and the well-being of children is the primary goal at L.B.J.&C. Head Start. L.B.J.&C. Head Start also focuses on family well-being. Head Start assists families in obtaining their GED, furthering education, seeking employment, obtain affordable housing, and much more. Let L.B.J.&C. Head Start provide your family with the head start you need to succeed!
For more information contact: Smithville Head Start Center at 615-549-5595