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Angels Among Us
Ginger Exum

I know it’s not Christmas, but I would like to talk to a big element of the cheerful season that we don’t usually acknowledge – angels.


Angels have appeared since the beginning. They held flaming swords when Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden. Angels appeared to Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. And the best of all, angels filled the skies to sing praises to God and witness to the shepherds when the Son of God was born.


However, we have watered down the angels and their powers. We tend to imagine angels as cute little cherubs with halos. harps and sitting on clouds. That is a very sad image of such powerful beings. Biblical authors describe cherubim as formidable creatures who stand at God’s throne guarding His sacred space. Angels have many forms. Sometimes they are simply our friends. Others they are complete strangers. And at others you can’t see them at all, but they are there all the same; protecting and whispering encouragement. But we should never forget that angels exist to do God’s bidding, for it is His will that prevails in all things.


Let us have a loving heart and a generous spirit lest we forget ‘Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.