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Betty's Yardsale

Plenty of people at Betty Barnes's yard sale on Friday and
Saturday including her good friend Martha Parker.  Betty told me the
yard sale was a success.  I got to be there at the yard sale and got
in on some good bargains.
      These hot temperatures are still flirting around one hundred
degrees for us here on the mountain.  Rain may come in on Wednesday.
We need the rain, but we can do without any severe weather to go along
with it.  The weather is bizarre all over the country.  Fires, floods,
tornadoes and landslides are happening way too often.  I believe this
is due to the climate change.
      Kathy Nokes visited me on Tuesday.  Russell Taylor and Bill
Nokes went fishing on Tuesday.  They caught some fish to take home and
cook up in that black cast iron skillet.  I'm wondering if Bill did
the honor of cooking or did Kathy come to the rescue?  Georgene
Grisham, Russell's sister, feeling somewhat better these days.  Also,
Rick and Beverly Hubler are doing fine.  Talked with Connie Cantrell
this past week.  She's trying to stay cool like the rest of us.
Gracie Bratcher and Mai Nell Melton doing okay these days.
      Duane Solomon has passed away.  He had been sick for a long
time.  Please keep Linda and the family in your prayers at this sad
time.  Also, G.L. "Cotton" Goff, age "85" of McMinnville (Blues Hill
Community) passed away Monday, June 24th.  "Cotton" as everyone called
him was a fishing buddy of my late brother J.L. Warren for many years.
 Our lives are like a vapor that only last for a short period of time
so live each day that you are given to the fullest as God wants you to
be happy and to always be serving Him with honor and praise in
whatever you do.
      A preacher on the radio talked about so many people's souls will
be lost when Jesus comes back, and they will be cast out to burn for
eternity.  God's word, the Bible, makes it very simple and easy to
understand that if a person doesn't accept Jesus, God's son, then that
person will be cast into the lake of fire forever.  That pain will
never stop.  Today, as never before, young people especially haven't
been brought up right in so many homes or just ignore what their
parents have told them about God, and His son, Jesus.  No one can get
into heaven unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
      Please keep praying for the following people:  Diane Evans, Mary
Melton, Rose Watts, Charlie Mai Daniel, Walter and Faye Ferrell, the
people of Israel and Ukraine, and the families of Randall "Pappy"
Taylor, Cecile Ferrell (Cecile finally lost her battle here with
cancer, but she's living there in heaven now with Jesus and she's well
from head to toe), Donald Lawson, Alvin Armour, Duane Solomon, G.L.
"Cotton" Goff in the loss of their dear loved ones.
      If you can, check in on the elderly in your community to make
sure they are o.k. and if they are in need of anything.
      Have a great day...Happy July 4th!!!
      Choose you this day whom ye will serve; but as for me and my
house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15