DeKalb Middle School Jr Beta Team has pulled out a win as they continue a four year top five national winning streak.
DMS Jr Beta team, who placed second in the Tennessee State Convention in November, was getting ready to go to nationals this year in Texas when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Because of health concerns the national convention was canceled and a virtual Beta Convention was created.
This year’s theme for DMS Beta was “Speak Life!”
“When I was writing this skit I had no idea what was going to happen in our country,” said Josh Issac. “This theme was very fitting for us all.”
Josh Issac and Lori Hendrix are the Beta sponsors for the DMS club and are so proud of each one of the students who competed this year. With a mixture of dance, human video, spoken word, readers theater, and singing, this skit made the top 10 and went on to win third in the nation.
“We see how these skits bring unity and develop talents for students to use for years to come,” added Issac.
DMS would like to thank all of those who have supported them in all the fundraising and coming to performances. Next year they plan to achieve Nationals for a fifth year in a row. The competition is set to be held in 2021 in Orlando, FL.