Congratulations to Buster Chapman his name was drawn on WJLE Birthday Club for a free lunch at Barbara’s Cedar House Resturant.
Treba Hawkins visited Faye Adkins on Saturday afternoon. Jean Young visited her earlier in the week.
Sue Cook, Johnnie Ruth Hunt and Mary Jane Hooper spent Wednesday at Rock City and Look Out Mountain. They enjoyed the day.
Mabel Pack recieved a call from her cousin, Myrtle Heers, of Austrailia.
Queda Ferrell and Clara May Hawkins visited Chris and Breana Hawkins and their new baby boy on Thursday.
Kenneth and Elaine Hawkins of Lebanon visited Clara May Hawkins, Sunday afternoon.
Visitors of Sue Arnold were Adam, Alli, and Anna Lawson.
Jean Neal Wallace celebrated her birthday on Sunday at her home. Her birthday is April 22 and her daughter, Dianne Evans, had a birthday on April 12, and her other daughter, Betty Byford, has a birthday on April 17. So they all celebrated together with around 50 guest atttending.
They had tables set up every where with lots of food. Every one enjoyed the good fellowship. Jean is a patient at NHC. She got a lot of nice gifts.
Recent visitors of Lu Autry Malone were Dennis, Joseph, and Germey Trapp, Jorden Melton, and Joyce Wright.
On Saturday afternoon Joyce Wright took Jaylene Vanatta and LuAutry Malone to Murfreesboro. They were the guest of Ludean Wright at the Assisting Living. They had tea for all their patients and their guest.
Visitors of Betty Wilson were Ralph and June Vaughn, JoAnn Pittman and Dianne Evans.
Billy and Mary Jane Hooper and Sue Cook were the lunch guest of Johnnie Ruth Hunt, Sunday, after church.
I was thinking this week about one of the most wonderful persons I have ever known, Della Vaughn, my mother-in-law. She accepted me into the family immediately when J.D. and I married and became like a second mother to me.
While reminiscing about her, I remembered hearing Mrs. Vaughn tell about how worried she and Mr. Floyd were while J.D. was serving in the Army during World War II. J.D. was in the Signal Corps and back in those days the line of communication from the commanding officers to the front line was a telephone wire that was laid by soldiers in the Signal Corps.
J.D. was in the South Pacific for five years during the war, and when the fighting ended, he came home without letting his parents know when he would arrive. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn saw him walking at a distance. Both of them started running to meet him. Mrs. Vaughn said that Mr. Floyd outran her to get there first.
I think they must have had a revival meeting at that moment. Mrs. Vaughn was a very spiritual person, and when she became happy in the Lord, she would shout to the top of her voice. They cried, laughed and hugged while Mrs. Vaughn continued to praise the Lord for J.D.’s safe return from the war. He was frail and sickly but was home.
With our celebration of Easter and the Lord’s resurrection, it reminded me again about the importance of life on earth and also about eternal life that Christians will enjoy.
Enjoying life here and eternally