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Fall September morning

  A cool, crisp morning here on the mountain with this being the
last day of September.  Seems like a fall morning in a lot of ways.
It is foggy and drizzling rain, and I cannot see the mountain from my
patio.  The fog will lift later on this morning.  I relish this
peacefulness of living in the country.  Over the weekend I had a total
of around seven inches of rain from the remnants of hurricane/tropical
storm Helene.  That will certainly help our drought situation.  There
have been a lot of lives lost in several states from this storm.  At
last count over one hundred and fifty are dead and a lot of others are
still missing.  No doubt the death toll will get higher.  Catastrophic
in the word most that are reporting the news are saying about this
storm.  Please keep the families in prayer that have lost loved ones
in all of Helene's devastation.
      A lot of people are wondering how our country could get in such
bad shape.  Simple answer to that question...America has turned its
back on God Almighty.  We're now suffering the consequences of the
mess we are in because of not acknowledging God.  He has taken His
hand of protection off of us because so many have turned to the
worldly pleasures of sin.  That will be the downfall of mankind if it
continues to travel that more traveled road that leads only to death.
Ya know I used to think college students were pretty intelligent
people until I saw all the sit-ins and protesting going on by them
against Israel.  Hamas "attacked" Israel on October 7, 2023, and
absolutely slaughtered over a thousand people and took hundreds of
      Someone needs to interview those college students and find out
what they would do if people came into their homes and killed their
family members.  Naturally they would want to go after the enemies
that killed their loved ones and take them out.  They need to put
themselves in Israel's shoes.  I commend Israel (God's chosen people)
in everything they are doing to wipe out their enemies.  What those
college students aren't thinking about is if Israel fails to destroy
Hamas and those other evil groups, and Ukraine falls to Russia, then
those evil people will be on our doorstep to take us over next.  The
freedom we have is so precious, and we should never take it for
      Let's keep in prayer the following people:  Diane Evans, Dustin
Johnson, Junior Melton, Mary Melton, Tracy Neal, Rose Watts, Walter
and Faye Ferrell, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the leaders of our
country and those families that lost loved ones in all the flooding
from Helene.
      Hope to have our last yard sale on the 11th and 12th if the
weather behaves itself.
      Beverly Hubler and hubby Rick stopped by this week.  Also,
Russell Taylor and Connie Cantrell were here for a spell.  Ruth Brown
and son, Jeff, are doing fairly well.  Jimmy Hale and his grandson are
doing o.k.  Glad to report Melvin Ferrell is well according to Jimmy
Hale.  John and Rose Womack are doing better.  Saw Leander Taylor and
Lincoln Sanders at the store and they both seemed to be doing pretty
good.  Of course, I had to chat a while with them.
      Have a great day!
      Ye now therefore have sorrow:  but I will see you again, and
your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.  John