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From a Cracked Pot
The author
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I have always been an avid reader, spending many summer days in the library looking for something new to read. Consequently, I have always wanted to be an author - a writer that would not just entertain, but also inspire. Just as a painter uses colors and paints to capture beauty, I always wanted to do the same with words - to capture emotions, truth, and consequences.
Recently, I realized that each of us is an author. We write our life story with each breath we take. Every thought, word, or deed is recorded in the Book of Life. Our lives are merely one chapter.  Our life comprises a story. Sometimes we are in the midst of a drama, and sometimes it is peaceful. There are days, weeks or months we struggle through bitter storms. Then there are those days that are filled with peace and love. Sometimes we seem to be going through a horror story, and sometimes a comedy. There are times our lives are love stories and some are stories of heartbreak. Sometimes we portray the victim and others the villain. There is one common thread in each of our stories - they all come to an end.
When we stand before God as He opens the book we have written with our lives, what will He read? Will He see and judge what we have written with our actions and words? Will we be judged on everything we have ever done, or will He find the Prologue, “Covered by My blood - Jesus”.
What kind of author are you?