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From a Cracked Pot
The strength of God
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I recently saw a post on FaceBook that said, “God didn't give you the strength to get back on your feet so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down.” … That single statement hit me “right between the eyes.”
There are so many times we are at the end of our rope, crying out for God to save us; to give us strength to make it through the present trial. Yet, when He does we forget how He rescued us and turn, once again, to the very thing that almost destroyed us in the first place. How often do addicts overcome their addiction through the strength they prayed for from God only to be chained to their addiction thinking, “This time will be different.” How many times have we been in financial distress, crying out to God to give us strength, only to be in the same predicament within a few years. We are manipulated by Satan, who knows our every weakness, into thinking we can control this situation this time around. We forget he is the father of lies. We forget how God has already rescued us from this very situation. We stand on our strength, never realizing until it is too late that the only strength we possess is the strength of God. We tend to forget that it is only through God's unfailing love and mercy that we can stand at all.