Anyone who knows me can tell you I change my hair color quite frequently. In fact, I hardly remember what my true hair color is anymore, nor do I want to know. Why, you may ask? I don't want to see how much gray has mixed in with my natural brunette tresses.
Isn't that the way of us all? We see advertisements for wrinkle cream, Botox injections, lasers that correct skin tone and fade scars, liposuction, and on … and on … and on. If you've ever been in the makeup section of any store, you know there is every product available to mankind for changing your appearance. There are microderm abrasion kits; products claiming to reduce your pores; products 'guaranteeing' that you will look younger in a matter of weeks. And to what do we attribute all of these products?
There are aisles full of every manner of hair color you can possibly dream of. You want curly hair instead of straight? Get a perm. You want straight hair instead of curly? Get a straightener. We are never satisfied with our looks. We're either trying to lose weight, or gain it. Anything you want to change your appearance is available for purchase on a shelf, except for one thing. None of these products can change a heart.
I sometimes wonder how our inner being, our souls, look. Do they resemble our outward appearance? I don't think so. I imagine God's children have an aurora of beauty around them. Sometimes that aurora may fade when we tend to lose our way. However, God brings us back again. Do the evil thoughts scar our inward beauty? Do the effects of sin mar a perfect image? Of course it does!
Out of all the products in the world designed for our outward beauty, there is only one for our souls … the saving grace of God. In it, we find anti-aging cream, a perfect complexion, and, of course you're never fully dressed without a smile.
The next time you think of trying any of these products remember, God doesn't see how we look on the outside, and there is no product we can buy that will alter our souls. The only thing that can make us truly beautiful is accepting the gift of blood shed by Jesus Christ. It is the love of God that makes all the difference.
From a Cracked Pot
Hair color