May seems to be graduation time for many, the young and the older. The Pre-School Graduation at First United Methodist is this Thursday at 6 p.m. at the CFC Building. Deanna Adams is the director of these lively 3-4 year olds. Meanwhile, DCHS Graduation is Friday at 7p.m.
Speaking of graduation, I was invited to Gainesboro Methodist Church last Sunday to award Ingram scholarships to five recipients. Four of them were high school graduates and one was pursuing a higher education.There was a luncheon for them and their families afterwards. My goal is to expand this scholarship program to other churches, which my husband served, in the next few years.
Christian sympathy to the family of Wilma Jo Burger who died suddenly last week. She was a very kind lady.
The Country Treasures Shoppe on Walnut Street is brimming with lovely antiques and other interesting items. Fridays are Sidewalk Sales Days inside and out. There is also a unique item inside - the biggest okra pod in this area. Come in and see it. It's real!
I want to share a mystery. I have been keeping my little great-great nephew Taylon lately. Sometimes we call him Little Rambo.
How is it that it takes me three hours to clean the house, and it takes him 15 minutes to empty half of his toys all over the house? The math to this problem is way off! Oh, well, he's only young once!
One more word of wisdom about education. My husband used to say that they (whoever that is) can take away your home, your car and even your children, but no one can take away your education.
That's why it's important for everyone to get an education. Think about it. That's one reason he set up the scholarship prgrams.
Pray for those dealing with flooding in many of our southern states.
Take care and be kind to each other.
Happy graduation time
The Amen Corner