Reservations are now open for the 14th History Hayride at Edgar Evins State Park on Oct. 12th. The reservation link is accessible through the website … then under the Events tab or for a more direct pathway. It may also be accessed through the Facebook Page for Friends of Edgar Evins State Park (friendsofeesp). The cost is $15 per person as in past years. If help is needed call the park office at (931) 646-3080 or 1-800-250-8619 to obtain contact information for a designated member of the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park.
Ten wagons will leave from the office at 30-minute intervals from 1:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. to begin a 2 ½ hour circuit through the park. At multiple stops costumed characters will relate stories pertaining to people and events that occurred in and around the park.
This is a fundraising event for the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to helping the park. Information about joining is also on the website at The event is staffed by volunteers with the assistance of park personnel.
If you wish to make this an overnight or weekend outing there are cabins and campgrounds in the park. Inquire about these at the park office, (931) 646-3080 or 1-800-250-8619
The History Hayride is in its 14th year due to its overwhelming popularity. Some patrons return every few years, some return every year! Characters or performers are changed a bit from year to year to keep it fresh.