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Lynlee Judkins named Face of the Race
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Lynlee Judkins has been chosen as the Face of the Race. - photo by Bill Conger

For the past 12 years, Lynlee Judkins has been hitting the books in the DeKalb County School system, but unlike her other peers, the 17-year-old young lady faces an additional challenge—Down syndrome.

Lynlee, the daughter of Shana Judkins, has been chosen to be the “Face of the Race” for the annual “3.21Run4DS.” The 5-K and Fun Run for Down Syndrome Awareness is set for October 6 starting at 8 o’clock at DeKalb West School, 101 Bulldog Lane, in Liberty.

Lynlee and her mom have faced a variety of hurdles since she was born.

“It was a little unnerving,” says Judkins when she was told about her daughter’s condition. “But it doesn’t take long to adapt. That’s how she is, and I have to take care of her. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

With Down syndrome came several health complications. The little girl has undergone four open heart operations in her lifetime because of a congenital heart defect. She has struggled with sleep apnea and hip problems along with communication issues.

“She doesn’t say a lot of complete sentences,” says Judkins. “But you can understand what she’s saying. I think her speech is pretty good, but she could use some work on it.”

Lynlee has had the support of her mom and step-dad with whom she lived the first several years. 

“I’ve kept Lynlee many days in life, and spent a lot of time with her,” says step-grandfather Harvey Felts. “She has a whole family of people who adore her. She doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, but she has aunts and honorary aunts, and people who care a lot about her.”

Lynlee also has touched the hearts of her peers at school. They elected her Class Favorite and Attendant her freshman year.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Shana Judkins said. “My sister-in-law was a teacher at the time, called and said, ‘Are you sitting down?’  Oh, gosh! Is this bad? And then she told me she was elected attendant.”

Lynlee’s life is filled with school, church, and numerous trips to the lake.

“We have fun [on] the boat,” Lynlee says.

“She likes to ride her bicycle,” her mom adds. “She likes to play bowling on the Wii, and of course, she likes to chat with her friends. I think her goal in life is to get as many contacts as she can in her phone or on her iPad. Right now that’s the big thing, getting all these numbers.”

Lynlee is a good reader and tech savvy but also mischievous.

“She’s very sneaky,” says Shana. In fact, Judkins says if she turns her head during a meal, sometimes Lynlee will quickly grab a biscuit or other favorite food off mom’s plate.

“She’s real funny,” mom says, laughing. “She’s bull-headed too.”

After graduation, mom says Lynlee will likely attend the Independence program at Tennessee Tech. But for now, the teenager is ready to shine in the “3.21Run4DS” on October 6. Race day registration begins at 6:30. Early packet pickup will be October 4th, 6-7 p.m. at DeKalb West. For more information or to register, visit

Money raised from past races has helped Down syndrome and special needs students throughout Middle Tennessee.