As usual I ate too much turkey and the trimmings at
Thanksgiving. The Tums sure do come in handy when you are so
miserable. You would think I would have learned by now not to indulge
eating at Thanksgiving. Hope you had better self-control than me.
Maybe I'll do better at Christmas.
Turned on the television the other morning and they were talking
about all the sightings of UFO's that over the years really haven't
been explained to the satisfaction of a lot of people. Even alien
spaceships supposedly were spotted flying over the White House in
Washington D.C. I want to clarify it was the nation's capital and not
our outhouse at our homeplace we proudly called the "Whitehouse"
because there, too, very important business was conducted, also. A
little while later on the show "In The Heat of the Night" Parker
Williams was telling other police officers there at the police station
there were higher intelligent life forms out there in the universe. I
don't think they bought into Parker's theory on aliens/little green
men. It was Clyde Nokes and also Bobby Taylor that believed strange,
unexplained creatures would roam about in the night on our mountain.
Some people have made me think they were from another planet. You've
probably encountered them, too, and left scratching your head. Only
time will tell if there are extraterrestrials among us.
In just a few weeks Christmas will be here. I sure do love this
time of the year celebrating Jesus' birthday on December 25th.
Family and friends being together and enjoying each other's company
and those get-togethers. Make this Christmas one to remember with
your loved ones.
Cold weather, it looks like, is here to stay for a long spell.
We'll just have to make the best of it. We can be productive by
checking in on the elderly around us to see if they are in need of
help getting groceries, prescriptions filled or picked up, their heat
supply is fine in keeping them warm, and fixing any repairs to their
home if you can, and also having conversations with them. After all,
they get lonesome as family may not be close by. So many ways we can
help others, not just at Christmas time but all throughout the year
and you'll be surprised at how good you feel at doing for others.
Please keep in prayer: Dustin Johnson, Mary Melton, Rose Watts,
Walter and Faye Ferrell, Diane Evans, the people of Israel and
Ukraine, and by all means the leaders of our nation, and also the
family of Junior Melton in the loss of their loved one. I know they
would appreciate your prayers.
Received my first Christmas card this week from a friend I've
known for years, Nancy Clement. She lives in Manchester. With stamps
73 cents each (a book of stamps is now $14.60). I don't imagine
they'll be as many Christmas cards sent to family and friends this
year. A telephone call from you would probably make your family and
friends day extra happy in just hearing your voice.
Talked to Ann Warren this week. Her family is well and looking
forward to Christmas. Ruth Brown and son, Jeff, are doing pretty well
and are also looking forward to celebrating the holidays with family.
Debbie Little, Russell Taylor, Rick and Beverly Hubler, Connie
Cantrell, Brooklyn Pedigo and daughter Aubrey, and Rex Pedigo coming
by last week.
Have a great day!
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them
that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and
persecute you. Matthew 5:44
Many ways we can help others