Visitors of Billie Simpson were El and Brenda Simpson and Kelley Walker.
Stan Melton spent the weekend with his mother Corrine Melton.
Rebecca Ervin and Kim Violet went to Cookeville shopping Saturday.
Darlene Conley and Barbara Lawson visited Sue Arnold Saturday.
Sue Cook and Johnnie Ruth Hunt attended homecoming at Jacobs Pillar Methodist Church Sunday. They had a good crowd and had plenty to eat and a spiritual service.
Boyd Trapp and Mr. and Mrs. Jorden Melton visited Lu Autry Malone recently.
Guest on Sunday of Barbara Vanatta for lunch were Jeff and Jaylene Vanatta and Rawlin and Jessie Vanatta.
Recent visitors of Betty Wilson were Ralph Vaughn, Faye Adkins, Beverly Ferrell, JoAnn Pittman, Rebecca Ervin, Kim Violet and Betty Byford.
Ruth Sutton spent a few days in DeKalb Community Hospital. Get-well wishes are sent to her.
Get-well wishes are also sent to Geneva Shoemaker. She has not been able to attend church for a few Sundays and is missed.
Marie Walls and Erlene Olsen went shopping in Cookeville on Sunday afternoon.
Visitors of Treba and Don Hawkins were Audean and Ernest Pack and Judie Mucha.
Glad to hear Louise House is better and home after a stay in the hospital. Her sister Martha Lee Lamberson spent a few days with her and her sister Haley House.
Betty Jo Cantrell attended the school reunion at the Alexandria Fairgrounds Saturday and saw a lot of people she knew.
The children in DeKalb County are back in school following their summer vacation. Going to school was always fun for me. I enjoyed learning and school also meant that I would have time to play with my friends.
The first school that I attended was Cave Springs, located near Indian Creek. It was a one-room building with Mr. Alton Tramel serving as both principal and teacher. He was a large man who had a strong voice. While being strict, he was always kind to us.
At Cave Springs, the boys played in one hollow and the girls in another one. I was shy and timid, and wanted to be near my brother, W.B. Cantrell, who was two-years ahead of me in school. W.B. got teased by the other boys because I wanted to hang around him, but he went along with me playing with him until my cousin, Herbert White, got involved.
Herbert told Mama to make me quit hanging out with the boys and start playing in the girls’ hollow. I enjoyed being with the other girls, but I just wanted to be near W.B.
Mama gave me plain orders to play only with the other girls, and even though it hurt my feelings, I knew that Mama’s orders had to be followed or I would get a real whipping.
I can almost see it now and how I had to wipe away the tears, but after a few weeks, I learned to handle my emotions.
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