What a day and what a snowfall that is blanketing the mountain this Friday, January 10th! Four to seven inches of snow is predicted, but in some locations, there may be more accumulation. This is winter for sure settling in with very cold temperatures and a lot of snow.
People calling to find out if I had my snowman built. If I were a few years younger, I would probably give it a try, but I'll just let others have the fun. Forecasters of the weather say our coldest temps of this winter season will be next week. January temperatures, like December's, will be below normal.
Rick and Beverly Hubler enjoying all this snow as is Russell Taylor. It certainly is a beautiful sight with the snow covering lampposts and everything else around our home. Randy and Gail Neal's trees are so beautiful with their branches being weighed down from all the snow that is falling. We had between three and four inches of snow here on the mountain. I hope we will not have any more of the white stuff. That may be wishful thinking on my part. I'm just yearning for the good ole summertime temperatures, that for me, cannot get here soon enough. Flowers, hummingbirds, mowing, yard sales and to be able to be outdoors will be a wonderful blessing.
My neighbor down the road, Mr. Melvin Ferrell, doing well and sounding chipper after all the snow we had last week. Melvin and his family were all to gather at Melvin's home for a Christmas/birthday celebration for him since he reached the young age of "97" on January 9th. Because of the snowy weather, it had to be cancelled. New date for the get-together will be on Saturday, January 18th.
Burley Bogle, like the rest of us, not getting out too much except to make sure his mules are okay.
It is so hard to watch television and see the disaster that is going on in California with all those wildfires. So far at this writing 25 people have lost their lives and thousands upon thousands of homes and businesses have burned to the ground. Very little containment of those fires as the wind speeds are so high, and firefighters are risking their lives to put them out. Please be praying for the people in California that have lost so much.
Junior and Rose Watts celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on Friday, January 10th. Congratulations to both of you.
Please keep praying for the following people: Dustin Johnson, Mary Melton, Diane Evans, Rose Watts, Walter and Faye Ferrell, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the leaders of this great nation, and the family of James Cooper. God answers prayers.
It's a cold evening and I'm thinking a cup of hot cocoa, or a cup of coffee will help to warm me up. I might even have breakfast for supper. Sausage, egg, gravy, a biscuit or two, and maybe a slice of tomato sounds awfully tempting. I have found out that I'm not the only person that likes a meal like that. Sometimes change is good so fix up the food you are craving.
Have a great day!
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2
No snowman for me