Can we talk politics here? I know that discussing the state of the government or politics is probably not something that that interests most people.
I remember when I was in school, thousands of years ago, that our government was designed to bring the common man to the forefront, and have him represent us in either the Senate or House of Representatives.
The common man (you and me) can only hope that these politicians are really on our side. So far we've no proof that they even remember who it was that sent then there, or why. They seem to think we sent them there to get re-elected over and over, so they can spend our money. Not that we sent them to protect this country from those who want to drain us dry and eliminate the only power for good on this planet.
It seems to me that billionaire and millionaires have no incentive or desire to work for the good of this country. They already have all they need, so why do they do it? It’s simple; control!
I believe they feel that since they have so much, they are certain that they know what's best for everyone else.
Our founding fathers had it correct. Bring the average person to do a job, and it will get done. Bring a so called elite and you get laziness. There's no reason to put you're back into a job if you don't need any result other than getting the common man to do what you want. Control and power, the two things that money really buys in this country.
I'm lucky. I'm old, I'm not going to live long enough to feel the power and control these people are going to inflict on this country in the near future. You younger folks will, and if I was around then, I'd feel sorry for you. Your loss of freedom is going to drastically change this country, and ultimately bring you into a single world government.
Since I won't be here, if you allow this to happen, you will get what you deserve. Sorry.
Now lets talk about Spring! There must be something wrong with me. I took the time and spent money to buy and reseed my lawn recently! Why? I'm not sure. I think it's because I like the way the yard looks when it’s full of grass. Until I realize that I put the seed in, and it grows, now I have to go out and cut it down.Does that make one lick of sense to you? Its got me wondering.
The cost of seed, the cost of a lawn mower, the cost of gas, the time getting sunburned, and all the sweat I lose. I could have held on to all that cash, let the weeds grow naturally, given the birds plenty of places to play, and I could have sat inside and watched the birds.
I guess I'm trying to impress someone. It's probably me that I'm trying to impress, or just to prove to myself that I can still put in a days work. Either way, my yard looks good, the birds still come by.
Thank Heaven for the last days of freedom. Do you have it in you to change the direction of this country? If you do, get off your duff and get started.
Our founding fathers had it right