Sure hope everyone had a great weekend and are able to sit up and take nourishment before they start off the week.
Saw Walter and Fay Ferrell at Walmart on Friday. They are doing pretty good.
We all go back quite a number of years. Aubrey and Walter used to talk on the CB radio all night.
I do not know which one could talk the most. I do know they had the kind of friendship that lasts a lifetime and beyond.
Also saw Brenda Vanderpool, Wanda Dunham and Carolyn Tramel, and “Moose” Nokes there, too.
Sure hope everyone gets their flu shot before the flu season gets in full swing. I got my very first flu shot back in October.
In January of this year I was one really sick girl. I was in the bed the second week.
Thought I might not make it even though I had my bottle of NyQuil. When I would get sick, people would tell Aubrey they sure hoped I would soon get better.
He would reply that I would be fine as I had my bottle of of NyQuil, and I was “ higher than a kite” up here on the mountain. He would also tell them that I just took it because of the alcohol content.
Only Aubrey could come up with all of this, and had so much fun doing it. We sure miss you big guy.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
“Praise the Lord for the glory of his name; worship the Lord because He is holy.” (Psalm- 29:2)
Short Mountain Observations
Get your flu shot