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Take a moment each day to be thankful
Dry Creek Flashes
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Christmas cheer and friendly greetings are everywhere now as December 24 and 25 draw near; even though, the weather is unseasonably warm. Obviously, this year will not represent Christmas Day in 1969 when Tennessee had the most snowfall on record. The weather service predicts that records will be broken by the warm temperatures during the next week all across the Eastern United States.


This time of year brings happiness to many, but as I prepare the gifts, bake the cookies, and send the cards for my family and friends, there is always a feeling that nothing I give can really fully express my love for all those that have touched my life. It is my prayer that Christmas’s true meaning will be felt with each gift given and received this year. Our thoughts turn to those who are separated from their families as well. Take a moment each day to be thankful and say a prayer for these families who need strength and help as they carry on without their loved ones.


We've all had our share of what is known as "The Holiday Blues". At this time of year I know most of us will over-indulge and gain a few pounds - pounds that will take more than a few weeks to take off. (if we can) There are relatives to invite and gifts for which to rack our brains. The Holiday Spirit is sometimes elusive during the hustle of all the activities. Let us remember the true meaning of Christmas as we reflect on the birth of our Savior and Lord.


The New Year will be a good time to evaluate our life and set some new goals. We all need to love more and complain less. God has blessed us all with so much. Wonderful family that cares for us daily and sweet caregivers that spend their time day in and day out helping others live a little easier.


We were so sad to hear of the death of Sarah Walker. Our thoughts went back to years ago when DeKalb West School was first built. W.W. Frazier, my late husband, was the first principal there and Sarah was his office manager. Sarah spent years working there with teachers and children. We remember how professionally dressed Sarah always presented herself. She will be fondly remembered by her Dry Creek Baptist Church family. May God bless her loved ones during the sad days ahead, and the precious memories bring them comfort.


Recent visitors of Louise Frazier were Jimmy and Becky Womack of Smithville, Helen Burt and her daughter, Vicky Corley, of Alexandria.


Please keep my son in law Buddy Fuson in your prayers. He will be scheduling some facial surgery soon. We send sympathy to the Kimbrell family with the passing of Jimmy’s aunt.


2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV


17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!