Facing Americans now is making a decision on Syria. Most bible scholars are reminded how Apostle Paul was transformed and blinded on the road to Damascus; read Acts:9 again. He did a 90-degree turn-around. Most of us never heard of anything personal happening in Damascus before.
I did some research on the naming of the Hurricane and Sligo bridges. According to County Historian Tommy Webb the Hurricane name was derived from the nearby Hurricane Ridge area. He added that several creeks in Cannon and Wilson counties have hurricane creeks which eventually run into the Caney Fork River. Then, the Caney Fork runs into the Cumberland River. I browsed in some 1948 issues at the Review office and found that the early Hurricane bridge was wrecked and the county officials went searching for a ferry to make it possible for school children to cross the river in order to get to school.
Nashville Bridge had one but it was not feasible as the landing would shift due to the rise of the river. They went ahead and started work on another bridge.
Tommy said that the Sligo name came from a small town in Ireland named Sligo. We were puzzled as how Tennessee got that Sligo name. So... interesting history.
Charles Robinson and I have been serving on the LBJ&C Head Start Policy Committee as community representatives for the last three years. Our terms ended last week at our last meeting. We were honored with a reception hosted by their staff. Thanks!
Esther and Lewis Conklin have returned from a vacation in Delphi and Logansport, Indiana. They rented a cabin on the Wabash River while visiting relatives and friends.
Tommy Reynolds, better known as Tommy Jett, who is a radio personality in Chattanooga, dropped by enroute from Nashville to visit an old school-mate Charlotte Barnard on Saturday.
I was invited to attend Claysville Methodist Church Homecoming near Crossville last Sunday. My husband, Cliff, pastored this church in the 70s longer than any pastor. Reverend Bud Alexander, Wesley Foundation director in Cookeville, was the guest pastor. A bountiful feast was held outside following the service and a local band provided afternoon entertainment.
I invited Barbara "Babs" Thompson to attend with me as my guest. Smithville Elementary School's open house had a surprise guest last week. Scoop Dog, the Smithville Review mascot, entertained the children by visiting the rooms with pencils and bookmarkers.
I have a retraction to make from last week's column. Juanita Hooper and Bobby Joines were named on Caney Fork's nominating committee, not board members. Thanks for reminding me.
Happy birthday the first half of September to: Stuart Brown, Susie Mitchell, Elene Hayes, W.J. Poss, Bill Little, Wendy Humphrey, Derrick Colwell, Nate Sherwood, Peggy Hendrixson, Kerry Robinson, Max Pafford, Dorothy Puckett, Bill Luton, Marcy Little, Jim Driver, Kelly Vaughn, Richard Eller, Jeanette Mabe,Freda Cantrell and Judge "Butch" Cook.
Pause this Wednesday and remember 9-11 several years ago.
Keep a song in your heart and a smile on your face.
The Amen Corner
We need another Damascus experience