CHANGE: Sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, it is not. As of last week, the ownership and the management of this time-honored Smithville Review newspaper has changed – again! You, our readership and subscribers, will be the determining factor on the recent print-media survival or failure. It’s up to you!
Friday, March 21: My partner in crime and computer prodigy, Stephanie Kay Badgett; and in heaven, my friend, Michael Young.
Sunday, March 23: Beverly J. Barnes
Monday, March 24: Mary Caldwell and William Cochran the owner and
manager of Evins’ Mill. Lest we forget; beautiful Wanna Finn Foster (Mike) – Hank’s sister.
THIS WEEK’S “MR. T” UPDATE: My long-time friend, Tommy Alexander, is still a patient in the local hospital. Before too long, he will be transferred to NHC in Smithville for therapy. Continued prayers please.
Thursday, March 20: Entertainer, Kenny Rogers, died in 2020 – 5 years ago. The popular singer was reared very poor in a Houston housing project. He, along with Dolly Parton, sang “Islands in The Stream,” which was written by the Bee Gees.
Friday, March 21: In 1963, Alcatraz prison was closed permanently. While active, a few of the prisoners were Al Capone and “The Bird of Alcatraz,” Robert Stroud.
Saturday, March 22: Nashville actress, Reese Witherspoon, was born in 1976. The twice-married Harpeth Hall graduate, received an Academy Award for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in Walk the Line.
Sunday, March 23: There was a failed assassination attempt against President Ronald Reagan in 1981. He was shot and wounded only two months after his inauguration by John W. Hinkley.
Monday, March 24: American football player, Peyton Manning, was born on this day in 1976. He was the quarterback for the Tennessee Volunteer’s football team while a student at UTK.
Tuesday, March 25: Singer Aretha Franklin was born in 1940 in Memphis, Tennessee and died in 2018 at age 76.
Wednesday, March 26: Former Speaker of the United House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, was born in 1940. Now retired, the Democrat is now 84-years-old.
FEEL BETTER SOON: Alan H. Webb, my little buddy, Jimmy Putty, Royce Odom and Loyce Holcomb (new Webb House residents), Larry Knowles (injured arm and leg from a fall) Tommy Alexander, Jerry N. Brown, Lucy Foutch, entertainer Jeannie Sealy, George Sperry and Ralph
SURPRISE: My favorite guests/family, Viviane (Anderson) Webb and baby sons, Zolly and Zander, surprised Brady and me last Thursday. Also visiting was Olivia Silvey, the coinsurer of closet organization.
ANGIE’S BIBLE VERSE OF THE WEEK: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
NOTE TO READERS: This will be my last day of this column and other journalistic articles for this newspaper, where I first began my writing career many years ago. I have found a new home at the Cannon County Courier where I’ll be writing a weekly column plus Grapevine. The Woodbury newspaper also is online.
Always – Be nice!