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Through the Grapevine - Week 12
LeAnn Judkins 2025

For some unknown reason, I’m back writing this column for you.  Not to mention, having a thousand subjective articles on file with Angie in the Review office.  So – you can’t get rid of me that easily.  While I’m relishing in my new journalism endeavor, I hope also that you’ll enjoy reading the newspaper copy I have left in Smithville, Tennessee.



Thursday, March 27: My friend, Beth Amonett of Murfreesboro, TN.  She is a long-time realtor for the Crye-Leike Company.

Saturday, March 29:  Dixie D. Hurst, an interior designer in California.  She resided in Smithville years ago with her parents, Bob and Shirley Hurst, now residents of Annapolis, Maryland.

Monday, March 31:  Marilyn Cantrell or Mrs. Fluty Cantrell.  She and her husband have been selling clothes since time began!

Thursday, April 3:  Linda Sue Tramel, a local favorite, who resides alongside of me in Smithville, Tennessee.


FEEL BETTER SOON:  Danny Conger, Audrey T. Webb, Lucy Foutch, Jeanne Seely, The Womack Twins, Debra Smith Black, Betty Kirksey, Bertha McBride Trump, Jerry N. Brown, Betty Martin, Sandy “Queenie” Hobbs, Mary Duggin, Ralph Thomas, Demetria Finley, Jimmy Putty, and Joyce and Tommy Alexander.


BOOK OF THE WEEK:   My friend, Mike Corley, told me about this book.  It’s thesis centers around a man’s handwritten diary of his military service during the Civil War.  His name was Richard Ramsey Hancock of Auburntown, Tennessee and he was a prisoner of war during this time.  Written in 1886, it is entitled, “Hancock’s Diary” and is available for purchase on  or for your enjoyment at the local Justin Potter Library.  When in doubt, ask Lucy if you can borrow her “History for Dummies” book – a well-deserved gift from Jim.



Thursday, March 27:  Cleopatra is reinstated as the Queen of Egypt.  She was assisted by her Roman lover, Julius Caesar.  In the movie version, she was played by Elizabeth Taylor with Caesar being portrayed by her five-time husband, Richard Burton.

Friday, March 28:  Constantinople was renamed Istanbul; British writer, Virginia Woolf, died by suicide at age 59 in 1941.

Saturday, March 29:  Canadian ice hockey player, Wayne Gretzky retired in 1999; Man’ O’ War, the most famous Thoroughbred horse of the 20th century, was born in 1917.  He was beaten by Seabiscuit in a razor-thin New York race.

Sunday, March 30:   In 1981, there was a foiled assassin attempt on the life of President Ronald Reagan in 1981.  The would-be assassin was John Hinkley, Jr.

Monday, March 31:  The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France was inaugurated on this day in 1889; Former vice-president, Al Gore of Carthage, Tennessee was born in 1948 – 77-years-ago.

Tuesday, April 1:  Scottish singer, Susan Boyle was born in

1961; Google launched Gmail on this day in 2004.  Within five years, there was more than one billion users of the site.  I’m one of them!

Wednesday, April 2:  Pope John Paul II died in 2005; Singer and

composer Marvin Gaye was born in 1931. On April 1, 1964, he was murdered (shot) by his father in Los Angeles, California.  Gaye was only 44-years-old.


SYMPATHIES TO THE FAMILIES AND FRIENDS:  Of Bob Earl Fuson, who left this earth on Tuesday, March 18, 2025.  He is survived by daughter, Gina Fuson Close and son, Tony Fuson.  As of press time, funeral arrangements are incomplete.


FRIENDLY SKIES:   My son, Jim Judkins, began jumping before he walked.  Still doing it today – out of an airplane and thousands of feet above the equator!  He’s not even afraid!  Wonder if you can have a heart-attack while watching?                                                                                                                

WORD OF THE DAYBAMBOOZLE: To bamboozle someone

is to trick, confuse, or deceive them.  In a sentence: “The salesperson bamboozled us into getting a more expensive item than we had planned to buy.”


BRADY UPDATE FOR THE WEEK:  My little four-year-old Maltipoo is as smart as a tack!  When he wants a treat, he brings me one of  his toys as a fair trade-off.  So funny!  In any age, dogs are so smart and loving!  Maybe that’s why I’ve had one constantly since 1955.


MANNERS, PLEASE:  When answering the telephone, cell or landline, and the caller asks for you, don’t say “This is her!”  The correct usage is “This is SHE.”  Remember this next time and I won’t throw-up.  Wrong grammar and I don’t get along very well.


WEEKLY LUCY UPDATE:  All’s quiet in Hermitage, Tennessee this week.  Lucy hasn’t done anything memorable lately, except recuperating from her recent illness.  I’ll be glad when she makes me laugh again.


ANGIE’S BIBLE VERSE OF THE WEEK: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn on me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yolk is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)


Until tomorrow, be nice!


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