BRR: Beginning week 8 of Grapevine, the most important event lately has been the frigid temperatures following a stance of 70-degree temperatures! As I wrote earlier, winter is my favorite season. I so enjoy snow covered bushes, ice cycles hanging from the rooftop, homemade chili cooking on the stove, popcorn popping in the microwave oven, and thick hot chocolate with a dollop of whipped topping. I guess most of all is having a laden bowl of Vicki Haggard’s secret snow cream recipe! No carry-outs available. Truly, it’s good to the last spoonful! And, I’m one of her favorite eaters!
Thursday, March 6: King Tut's tomb was opened in 1924. He was the ruler of Egypt in the 14th century; Shaquil O’Neal of the NBA was born in 1974.
Friday, March 7: There was an attack on Civil Rights protestor in Selma, Alabama in 1965; Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for the telephone in 1876
Saturday, March 8: Baseball player Joe DiMaggio died in 1999; Supreme Court Justice and lawyer Oliver Wendell Holmes was born in 1841.
Sunday, March 9: In 1863 during the Civil War, the ironclad Monitor and Virginia (formerly Melmac) battled at the Hampton Roads Harbor in Virgina, marking a new era in naval warfare.
Monday, March 10: On this day in 1933, the first concentration camp in Germany opened at Dachau where at least 32,000 people would die from disease, malnutrition, charge for one month beforehand.
Tuesday, March 11: Japan struck by both an earthquake and a tsunami in 2011. It caused widespread damage in the country and triggered a major nuclear accident.
Wednesday, March 12: In 1947, the Truman Doctrine was pronounced. Pres. Harry S. Truman asked Congress to appropriate aid for Greece and Turkey, both of which were facing communist threats.
CONGRATULATIONS: To my oldest son, attorney Jim Judkins, on obtaining his B license from the United States Parachute Association
last week. This now allows him to jump from helicopters, hot air balloons and at night. To obtain this license is magnanimous. He was required to have at least 50 jumps and land within 33 feet of the target, not to mention having a 50-minute free-fall. Evidentially, having his private airplane license isn’t challenging enough! His response, “I love it!!!” My response, “I don’t!!!”
Friday, March 7: Angela Sensing of Carthage, Brady’s breeder, my friend, and U.T. fan. Also, Chris Smith and Jeremy Murphy (Miss Murphy’s son).
Sunday, March 9: W.J.L.E.’s general manager, Dwayne Page.
Monday, March 10: Lela Ambrose, the daughter of my buddy, Kim Driver Luton and Teresa Wright, my hairdresser. To backtrack, John Wright celebrated on March 3rd.
Tuesday, March 11: Sarah Gothard Smith, a busy flight attendant and a Nashville, Tennessee resident.
Wednesday, March 12: Martha Hall Conger of Cookeville, Tennessee – Millie’s mom, Julianna’s sister, and Jo’s and Hilton’s third daughter.
ANGIE’S WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE: “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)
BRADY’S TOUCHDOWN: My little Multipool fur baby, Brady Judkins, is smarter than the average bear! He was prescribed allergy pill medicine twice daily. Fine – except he ate the pill pocket and sliced cheese from around the pill – never ate the pill! Here comes Lucy. She said to get some crunchy peanut butter and use that as a fake pill pocket. She’s smarter than the average bear! Brady’s stopped itching and I’m just out a few dollars for the peanut butter. If you happen to be in the same predicament, use crunchy peanut butter. I was lucky. Brady didn’t even care that it was the cheap brand or that he had gained five extra pounds! Wonder if they have yoga for dogs?
WEEKLY LUCY UPDATE: I don’t know why Lucy hates birds! But she does. I’ve asked her why, but I can’t remember her answer. Maybe because they don’t care if they poop on your head while flying by. She blames the little critters for messing up her cleaned automobile and backyard patio. She has as many squirrel visitors as she does birds. I think she likes them. But I don’t know for sure. Regardless, she’s covered – like it or not!
Until next week, BE NICE.
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Through the Grapevine - Week 8