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Wish time would stay the same

Daylight Savings time arrived on Sunday, March 9th.  Clocks were
put ahead an hour and that meant we would have more light at the end
of the day to get more things done.  In the fall when the clocks are
turned back an hour it starts getting dark around 4:30 to 5:00 of the
evening.  I just wish the time would stay the same year-round.
      Weather forecasters are predicting stormy weather for us
overnight.  Winds could be around 50 mph or higher for some areas.
There will also be heavy rainfall as the cold front moves through and
even the possibility of snow showers on Wednesday.  Talk about our
strange weather in Tennessee, it's living up to its reputation.  All
of us need to stay weather aware especially at this time of the year.
      I now have a gnome calendar that is proudly hanging in my office
thanks to "Aubrey's" sister, "Betty Sue Hullett."  She lives in
Indiana.  I sometimes call her "Susie Q" because that is what Aubrey
called her.  She knows I have grown rather fond of gnomes as of late.
So many people are now telling me they love gnomes, too.
      Talking with Betty Barnes/or "Louise" on Sunday evening and
found out she and Martha Parker/or "Thelma" haven't been traveling to
yard sales because of all the mixed-up weather we have been having.
They'll get back into the swing of things later on, because they like
yard sales like so many of us and the bargains that you can find.
      Still have a supply of tuna that will get me through these last
few weeks of winter.  It seems each year winter always wants to stay
with us longer even though the calendar says it's spring.  I have been
told fish is good for us.  Sometimes I can whip up tuna patties
instead of the salmon ones.  In fact, I like the tuna patties the
best.  A tuna salad is delicious and so is a snack putting tuna with a
little salad dressing on crackers when the munchies are coming on.
      Rick Hubler, Russell Taylor, Connie Cantrell, Rex Pedigo and
great granddaughter "Aubrey" stopped by this week.
      Let's keep the following people in prayer:  Dustin Johnson, Mary
Melton, Diane Evans, Walter and Faye Ferrell, Rose Watts, the people
of Israel and Ukraine, the leaders of our country, and also the family
of Kevin Daniel Hale in the loss of their dear loved one.
      A beautiful sun-shiny day in the making with temps to get in the
upper 70's.  Yesterday it was 68 degrees in Nashville.  Decided our
patio needed an overhaul with so much debris, leaves, etc. on it.  I
guess it had been a few weeks since I had taken a broom to it and
cleaned the patio table with Windex.  I took a break from having
worked so hard cleaning this, that, and the other and sat down at the
table.  Only a light cool breeze is coming through now.  Kids are
playing at my neighbor's house yelling and laughing to the top of
their lungs.  I am also hearing some dogs yelping, and even a rooster
crowing.  Love the sounds of the country.  No better place to live, in
my opinion.  Won't be long till spring gets here and flowers that
managed to survive the cold, cold winter weather will start their
annual peeking through the soil before long.
      Hope you have a good week and are able to be in the Lord's house
on Sunday.  You might even do a good deed for someone this week, and
most importantly, tell others about Jesus and how He saved your soul.
You could make all the difference in someone's life and where they
will spend eternity when they die.  Jesus is alive and well and He's
coming back to claim His bride (the church) someday.
      Have a great day!
      They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles.  Isaiah 40:31