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Common Sense 8-23
Science and religion can coexist
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Science and religion.
In some places those are fighting words, but I’ve never found them necessarily at odds unless someone wants to make them be.
For example, we had a guest speaker this week at church. His name is Dr. Robert Carter PH.D. in Marine Biology and he teaches a Creation Seminar with a basis in science. Seems Dr. Carter made the decision through the study of God’s creation from a scientific view that there’s enough evidence to support creation from a scientific standpoint.
Dr. Carter is with a group called Creation Ministries International, a worldwide organization with like-minded scientists who have been convinced of creation scientifically. He is currently a senior scientist and speaker for CMI-USA in Atlanta, Georgia, where he lives with his wife, Leanne, and children and is currently researching human genetics and other issues related to biblical creation. The website is if you want to check it out for yourself.
I agree and always have. Years ago there was a guest speaker who talked about another topic related to Dr. Carter’s seminar about Apologetics. It seems we don’t often think for ourselves anymore, and more so when it comes to defending the Bible.
Science has never been more than understanding the world we live in. After all, since we’re made in the image of our creator, we’re bound to be a curious lot about creation.
During his seminar, Dr. Carter points to the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1:28 which says:
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
He pointed out the passage calls for us to be stewards of the earth and how better if we understand it and have the knowledge to prove the Bible is indeed totally true.
Some examples that have come from science proving creation I have read about and highly recommend are Mitochondrial Eve where a study shows a particular type of DNA can be traced back to one woman. Because mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is almost exclusively passed from mother to offspring without recombination (see the exception at paternal mtDNA transmission), most mtDNA in every living person differs only by the mutations that have occurred over generations in the germ cell mtDNA since the conception of the original “Mitochondrial Eve.”
How about the fact ocean liners, some of the most stable ocean sailing ships, are built to the same parameters the Bible says Noah built his ark?
I found today’s science, specifically quantum mechanics, gives me an even more assurance there is, in fact, a creator.
There are plenty of scientists who want to use science to try and disprove creation, but it’s getting tougher to do, scientifically speaking as more begin to see the light and find there isn’t a disconnect and the world doesn’t have to be as old as the old scientists try to make us believe.