I noticed they’re beginning construction on the bridge over Highway 70 in town just past the main intersection. It’s been hit a couple of times since I’ve been paying attention to DeKalb County and that hasn’t been long.
My question is are they going to build it any higher?
A quick call to the mayor’s office answered my question for the most part. Apparently I’ve been here for some of the most recent action to occur at the bridge and it enjoyed a long, peaceful life before that. Kind of like me having to learn all sorts of new things, like the bridge for example, then panicking wondering if I got it right.
You definitely have to know how tall your truck is and keep an eye on the signs. That’s was one of the first things they taught us when I got my Class A license years ago. Not that everybody always pays attention, but the bridge is a quick attention-getter if it’s mangling your cargo. What a sick feeling that is.
I’m getting a lot of political press releases these days as candidates race to support actions from their party. For example, I received one about an executive order overturning an Obama executive order that would double the range where salaried workers would get overtime. I’ll let Rep. Black explain it here.
A federal judge in Texas struck down an Obama-era rule that would force businesses to cut jobs in order to meet rising pay costs and potentially reduce salaried managers to hourly employees. The current pay threshold to receive overtime stands at $23,660 and would be doubled to $47,476 annually if the rule is implemented. Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06) released the following statement:
“Judge Mazzant’s ruling is a major victory for our small business owners across the United States, including many in Tennessee that contacted me about this crippling rule. It is another example of the Obama administration’s use of illegal regulation to advance a radical liberal agenda at the expense of manufacturers and workers alike. Here in Tennessee, small businesses are the backbone of our economy and I am glad their voices are being heard by President Trump.”
I’m all for small businesses getting a break, but what about big businesses? I think the same rule applies either way. What about the employees?
Rep. Black had part one, but didn’t comment on parts two and three.
What it boils down to, is if you make a salary of $24,000 a year, you don’t get bupkus when it comes to overtime.
If a salaried employee regularly worked 10 hours of overtime a week, but got paid $24,000 a year then the rule says no overtime. Under Obama’s rule, that person would have gotten paid for their overtime. I would only hazard a guess that the person who earns more, spends more on the local economy to small business and the big corporations as well.
No one ever accused me of being an economist, however, so I’ll leave it up to you.
Contact Steve Warner at news@smithvillereview.com.