About one year ago, a famous painting b y Austrian Gustav Klint was found after it had been missing for 23 years. The painting was reportedly stolen from the Ricci Oddi art gallery in Placenza, Italy, and discovered to be missing February 22, 1997. It appears the famous 1917 painting, known as “Portrait of a Lady”, may never have left the grounds of the art gallery. It was found by a gardener clearing ivy from the walls of the building in a gap in the wall. It was found in a bag in remarkably undamaged condition, and whoever tried to steal it is still unknown.
“Words from Above” in the Bible tell us that Jesus appeared on Earth over two thousand years ago, lived here for about thirty-three years, and one day went missing. Acts 1 tells us that after Jesus rose from the dead, He gathered with His disciples forty days later and promised them that the power of the Holy Spirit would soon come upon them to enable them to be His witnesses. After He spoke these words, He was taken up into heaven as a cloud received Him out of their sight. As they stood looking up toward heaven as He went up, two men stood by them wearing white apparel with a special message. They told the disciples that just as Jesus was taken up into heaven, so He would come in like manner as they had seen Him go into heaven.
To some people in that day, it may have seemed that Jesus was just somehow missing or maybe still in the grave. But He really and truly left the earth, and He simply returned to heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father. This is where He originated, and this is where he returned, but the angels clearly said He was coming back, and he would at that point be gone no more. Jesus told His disciples that no one knew when He would return, not even the angels of heaven, but only His heavenly Father, God. But we do know that the day of His return is known as the Rapture, a day when He will gather His followers up out of the earth and take them with Him to their heavenly home.
The Bible tells us that those who are in the grave will be raised from the dead, and they will join those who are alive to go with Jesus on this very special journey. We will not be stolen away, but we will willingly and gladly go with Jesus to live in mansions he has prepared for us in heaven.
Larry R. Steffee is pastor of the Center Hill Brethren In Christ Church on Miller Road in Smithville. Everyone is welcome to attend. For informa-tion, you may email lrsteffeetn@yahoo.com.