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DeKalb Claws Out Victory
Cecil Ketchum
Stiff arm anyone? Cecil Ketchum powers his way down the field as the Tigers faced the Tigers of Gordonsville.
Ryan Lyons
Ryan Lyons with a beautiful wide-open catch in Gordonsville last Friday night.
Jordan Parker 1
Jordan Parker had 10 rushed for 77 yards, and went 11 for 17 in passing for 192 yards and four touchdowns.

It was a perfect night for football as the DeKalb County Tigers traveled to Gordonsville last Friday night. It would be Tiger versus Tiger in the border rival game, both unbeaten in the season so far. Just before the game, a shooting star lit up the dimming sky above the field. Some closed their eyes and made a wish. It would turn out to be a good omen for the DeKalb County team.

Gordonsville would get the ball to start the game, and looked strong as they powered their way down the field. Their opening drive would consume most of the first quarter and end with the first points of the game.

Gordonsville would start at their own 37, and with the legs of Bryson Grisham and a pass from Jay Foster to Spencer Pipes, they reached a first down at the 47. A keeper pushed the G-men down to the DeKalb 46, then a Jemario Williams carry was good to the 40. A pass to Lee Scurlock was good for only one yard, then a Grisham carry was down at the 27.

There, a Grisham run and a carry by Williams only reached the 18. On third and one, a fumbled snap ended with Foster falling on the ball back at the 20. Facing fourth and three, Gordonsville went for it. The Williams run was good for a fresh set of downs at the seven.

A false start would back them up five, but another Williams run gained most of the yards back. Another Williams carry was stuffed at the line, then a pass to Pipes coupled with a personal foul call on DeKalb had the ball down to the three. On fourth down, a Foster pass to Dalton Hancock was good in the end zone. With the PAT, and with 2:52 left in the first, Gordonville was up 7-0.

The DeKalb Tigers would start their first drive at the 45, and would waste little time getting on the board. A Jordan Parker pass to Wyatt Carter would reach the 43, then a Cecil Ketchum run was downed at the 47, but a late hit call on Gordonsville set DeKalb up at the Gordonsville 47. On second and two, a Parker keep was good for a first down at the 44.

A Ketchum run was good to the 38, then another, aided by another personal foul, set DeKalb up at the 14. As the second quarter began, a Parker keep was stopped at the line, but another keeper had Parker in for a touchdown. The Adrian Prater PAT was good, and with 11:36 left in the half, the score was tied 7-7.

Momentum had seemed to have shifted towards DeKalb, and the defense would step up on Gordonsville’s next possession. They would start at their own 30, but would only reach the 38 the next two plays. A Cruz Frye carry would end up losing three yards and Gordonsville was forced to punt.

The punt would end up going out of bounds at the Gordonsville 39, setting the DeKalb Tigers up with good field position. Parker would look to pass on the first play, but finding no one open he would get caught at the line. The next play, Parker found Ryan Lyons deep in the endzone, connecting the long pass for six points. The Prater PAT was good and with 7:54 left in the half, DeKalb was on top 14-7.

DeKalb County fans seemed to be on top of the world, until the kickoff. Dalton Hancock would field the kick and return 88 yards for the quick strike. With the extra point, the game was once again tied, 14-14 with 7:37 left in the half.

The DeKalb offense was right back on the field after the return to the 41. Ketchum would get wrapped up for just three yards, then a pass to Jon Hendrix was good to the 33, but a face mask penalty gave them more yards down to the 18. There, a Parker pass went over the head of Hendrix, then a false start backed them up five. Parker would throw away on the next play, then a keep was downed at the 15. On fourth down, Prater was out for the field goal attempt. The kick would fall short and Gordonsville would take over at the 20.

Foster would take a sack for a one-yard loss, then a false start backed Gordonsville up even more. A pass to Anthony Fuller would result in no gain, then a Grisham run was only good to the 17. Facing fourth down, Gordonsville punted.

The punt would roll dead at the DeKalb 48, setting the black and gold Tigers up with good field position. A Ketchum carry was good to the Gordonsville 49, then a pass to Hendrix fell short. Another pass to Hendrix was dropped, and facing a fourth and seven DeKalb set up to punt. An offsides penalty on the punt resulted in a fourth and two and DeKalb rethought their strategy. A pass to Hendrix was good to the 33, then a pass to Lyons was connected in the endzone for the touchdown. With the PAT, and 50 second left in the half, DeKalb was back on top, 21-14.

DeKalb would get the ball to start the second half, and would move to put some distance on the scoreboard. Starting at the 31, a Ketchum run was good for two, then a pass to Hendrix was good to the 41, but a hold would bring the play back. Another connection with Hendrix was good to the 43, then a Parker keep was down at the 47. A pass to Hendrix got the ball to the Gordonsville 46, then a pitch to Ketchum was stopped for no gain. Another pass to Hendrix was dropped, then Parker called his own number and ran to the 14. There, a pass to Ty Webb was good for six. The extra point was good, and with 7:16 left in the third, DeKalb was up 28-14.

Gordonsville was not about to just lay down, and they proved to be the toughest team DeKalb had faced so far this season. They would return to their own 38, and once again move down the field. With passes to Fuller and runs by Grisham, the G-men moved down to the DeKalb 39. A pass to Hancock was good to the 29, where a keeper by Foster was good for the touchdown. The extra point was almost blocked but good. With 4:23 left in the third, Gordonsville had cut the lead, 28-21.

As it would turn out, that would be the last points Gordonsville would see. DeKalb would start their next drive from their own 33, and with the score still close DeKalb kept to the air and ground game. A Ketchum run was good to the 39, then a pass to Lyons fell incomplete. A pass to Hendrix had DeKalb down to the Gordonsville 41, then a Ketchum carry was good to the 28. It was Ketchum again, this time to the 10, where Parker carried for a touchdown, but a holding call negated the score. On a first and goal from the 15, another keep was negated by too many men on the field and DeKalb now faced a first and goal from the 20. Yet another keep gained one yard, then a pass to Lyons was broken up in the endzone. Parker found Lyons again on the next play, this time good for the touchdown. The extra point made the score 35-21 with just 17 second left in the third.

Gordonsville would have the ball two more possessions, but would be unable to find the endzone. Now battling the clock, the G-men kept to the air game, and would reach the DeKalb 32, where they would face fourth down. A pass play went nowhere, and DeKalb took over on downs.

DeKalb would end up punting from the 40 on their next possession, giving Gordonsville one last shot. They would reach the DeKalb County six with just 38 second on the clock. There, a pass to Fuller fell incomplete and DeKalb would take over, effectively ending the game. DeKalb claimed the hard-fought 35-21 victory to remain unbeaten on the season 5-0.

Parker had 10 rushed for 77 yards, and went 11 for 17 passing for 192 yards and four touchdowns. Ketchum had 12 carried for 73 yards, while Lyons had three receptions for 91 yards and three touchdowns. Hendrix had five catches for 86 yards, Ketchum one for zero, Carter one for one, and Webb one for 14 yards and a TD.

The Tigers return home this Friday as they host Stone Memorial for the season’s second regional matchup. Game time is 7 p.m.