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DeKalb West get wins over Short Mountain
10sports bulldogs
Cody Hale takes on a player from the Short Mountain Bears last week at DeKalb West. - photo by Chris Tramel photo

After a long break over the Christmas holidays, the DeKalb West School basketball teams were back in action. The teams were at home on Jan. 11, to face Short Mountain.
The Lady Bulldogs played first and took an early lead. The girls scored five points in the first period, with a three-pointer by Lydia Brown and a two-pointer by Addison Oakley. The Lady Bears scored three points.
DeKalb was held to only two points in the second period, both coming from free throws. In the meantime, the Lady Bears scored four points and tied the game at halftime, 7-7.
The Lady Bulldogs scored six points in the third period, with Brown getting two two-point baskets and Carrigan Chapman taking one. Short Mountain was held to two points, giving DeKalb a 13-9 lead into the fourth.
DWS only scored two points in the final period, with a two-point goal by Brown. The Lady Bears scored five points, giving the Lady Bulldogs a narrow one-point win, 15-14.
Brown went two for two of free throws, while Oakley was one for four.
In the boys’ game, the Bulldogs took the lead in the first period. DeKalb West scored five points, including two-point baskets by Ethan Martin and Paxton Butler. The Bears were held to only two points.
In the second period, the Bulldogs turned up the heat. The boys scored 14 points, with a three-pointer by Martin, two two-pointers by Damien Dishman, and two-point shots by Butler and Cody Hale. Short Mountain had four points, giving DeKalb a 19-6 lead at halftime.
The Bulldogs scored four points in the third period, with two-pointers by Dishman and Dallas Cook. The Bears scored three points, and the DWS lead grew, 23-9.
The Bulldogs didn’t score in the fourth quarter, but held Short Mountain to only four points. DWS took the win, 23-13.
Brady Driver went four for six on free throws, while Butler was zero for four. Dishman was zero for one.