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Games split

The DeKalb Middle School Lady Saints got a few games in the book last week, getting a win on the road in Cannon County, then falling in a match against Prescott.  

On Monday, April 3, the ladies traveled to Woodbury where the faced off with Cannon County. DMS would get on the board early and hold on for the victory.

Maggie Hendrixson would get things going for the Lady Saints, getting a single on a grounder to left. She would take second on a passed ball as Lakelyn Nelson was up to bat, then Nelson singled on a grounder to right as Hendrixson scored.

Nelson would take second on a passed ball as Allie Estes was at the plate, then Estes hit a hard grounder to center and singled as Nelson scored. Cannon would get off the field, but the Lady Saints were up 2-0.

Cannon would go three up, three down at their first at bat, then DMS would continue where they left off. Liliana Judkins would walk, then Hendrixson would single on a grounder to short, as Lola Colwell, running for Judkins, took second.

Later in the inning, Colwell would take third as Hannah Brown was at the plate, while Hendrixson took second on the same passed ball. Brown would then single on a hard ground ball to short as Colwell crossed the plate and Hendrixson took third.

Brown would steal second as Lillie Young was up to bat, then Young singled on a hard grounder to right as Hendrixson and Brown scored. Brooklyn Fuson would be up next, and she would hit a double on a fly to left as Young scored. The Lady Saints were up 6-0.

Cannon County wouldn’t manage to get on the board until the bottom of the third, scoring two runs. They would add one more run at the bottom of the fourth, but that would be all they would muster. The game would go to the bottom of the fifth, but DMS would hold on for the 6-3 victory.

Liliana Judkins claimed the win for DeKalb from the circle. She lasted five innings, allowing six hits and three runs while striking out two and walking one.

The following day the girls traveled to Prescott Middle School where the score would go back and forth in a late game battle.

Prescott would get on the board first, scoring two runs at the bottom of the first inning.

The Lady Saints would then take the lead at their next at bat. Young singled on a grounder to center, and would later steal second on a wild pitch. She would then take third on another wild throw, before Sophie Adcock doubled on a bunt to first base. Young would touch home plate.

Jerusalem Aldino would then single on a hard grounder to center as Adcock came home. Judkins then singled on a ground ball to center as Aldino took second. The Lady Saints would then load the bases as Hendrixson singled on a line drive to center with Aldino taking third, and Colwell second. Aldino would score on a passed ball as Nelson came to bat. DMS had taken a 3-2 lead.

Not to be outdone, Prescott would retake the lead with two runs at the bottom of the second. Prescott was up 4-3.

At the top of the third, the Lady Saints evened up the scoreboard with yet another run. Brown singled on a line drive to left, then would steal second as Young was up to bat. Young singled on a grounder to center as Brown touched home plate. Prescott would get off the field but the score was tied 4-4.

Prescott would retake the lead at the bottom of the third, scoring one run, but the Lady Saints would surge forward at the top of the fourth. Judkins would get a walk, followed by Hendrixson taking a base. Nelson would ground out to second, but Colwell, running for Judkins, would take third as Hendrixson took second.

Later, Brown would get a walk, loading the bases, then Young would single on a hard ground ball to right as Colwell and Hendrixson scored. Brown would score on a passed ball as Brooklyn Fuson was up to bat, then Fuson reached on a dropped third strike as Young scored. Fuson would take second on an error by first, but would be left standing. DMS was up 8-5.

The game seemed to be in DeKalb’s favor, but Prescott would not lay down. Prescott scored four runs at the bottom of the fourth, taking a 9-8 lead.

DMS had one last chance at bat at the top of the fifth. Hendrixson would reach on a grounder and an error by shortstop, but that would be as far as the Lady Saints would get. Prescott held on for the narrow 9-8 win.

Judkins took the loss for the Lady Saints from the circle. She surrendered nine runs on 11 hits over four innings, striking out three.