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Saints win first playoff round
Saints 1
Saints 2
Saints team

When you get to the playoff level of the football season there is no such thing as a bad team. Teams in the playoffs are there because they have earned their spot to be there. That’s what the DeKalb Middle School Saints football team found out last Thursday as they took on the Fentress Crush. It would turn out to be their toughest test yet.

The hometown crowd came out in force to cheer for the Saints, with even the DCHS Fighting Tiger Band on hand to root for the Saints. Fentress County would get the ball to start the game, and things looked good for DeKalb from the start. On a third and 15 play at the DeKalb 48, a Guage Deaton keeper was fumbled with Reed Midgett falling on the ball.

The Saints would pound the ground game with carries by Gavin Frazier, and Midgett, and keeps by QB Collin Donnell. DeKalb would reach the 12-yard line, and on a fourth and one play, a direct snap to Midgett was good to the seven. Frazier would bust through to the one, then Donnell would be stood up at the line. On third down, the keeper was into the endzone for six. A snap to Frazier for two would be stopped, but DeKalb took the lead, 6-0, with 5:13 left in the first.

The Crush would start their next possession from their own 46, and would slowly push downfield to get on the board themselves. Aided by an offsides penalty on the Saints as the second quarter began, the Crush would reach the DeKalb 37 where they faced fourth down. There, a Deaton pass to Drake Garrett was good to the 30. The next play, a Grayson Stephens run, was good for six. A keeper on the two-point conversion was stuffed, but Fentress was on the board, 6-6, with 4:28 left in the half.

A squib kick would set the Saints’ next drive up at the 44, and they would push their way down the field. A pair of keepers were good to the Fentress 47, but then a false start backed them up five. Another Donnell keep was downed at the 46, and facing a fourth and four, the Saints rolled the dice. Another keep was good for the first down at the Fentress 43.

Another false start backed the Saints up for a first and 15, then a Frazier carry netted just one yard. A pass to Levi Cripps fell incomplete, then a keeper was only good for four. Once again, the Saints gambled. On a fourth and 10 play, a flea flicker, a pitch back from Rocky Cantrell to Donnell, then a Donnell pass to Bryson Redmon, was good for the touchdown. The PAT was no good, and with 12 seconds left in the half, the Saints were back on top, 12-6.

The Crush’s next possession ended in an interception by Keegan Taylor before the end of the half.

DeKalb would get the ball to start the second half, and they wasted little time getting back on the board. Starting from the Fentress 46, a Frazier carry was down to the 42, then a Midgett run was good to the 37. A Donnell keeper was downed at the 30, then a Frazier run was downed deep into Fentress territory but a holding call placed the ball back at the 30. A pass to Midgett then reached the 15, and another keeper had Donnell in the endzone with 4:46 left in the third. A pass to Frazier was good for two, and DeKalb was up 20-6.

Fentress was down but certainly not out, and they would come back on their next drive. Starting at their own 49, a Stephens run was good to the DeKalb 45, then a pass to Garrett was down at the 44. On third down, a long pass to Sam Segatto was complete, all the way for a touchdown. A Stephens run was good for two, and with 2:38 left in the third, Fentress had cut the lead, 20-14.

The Saints’ fans felt a bit tense, and DeKalb’s next drive did nothing to calm their fears. DeKalb would start at midfield, but after a Frazier run for three yards, a lateral to Midgett was down at Saints’ 48, then Donnell took a sack at the 45. DeKalb would punt.

Fentress would have one last chance in the game. Starting at their own 27, a keep gained just one yard. As the fourth quarter began, Deaton was sacked by Midgett back at the 24, then a Stephens run would result in a one-yard loss. Facing fourth and 14, they would punt. They would not see the ball again.

With 7:09 left in the game, the Saints stuck to the ground and began playing the clock. On a third and 12 play from the 41, a keep was good to the Fentress 46, then a Midgett carry was down at the 31. Fentress began using their time outs to stop the clock, but DeKalb kept pounding away. A keep was good to the 25, then a Frazier run was down at the 22. On third down, another keep was good to the 18 for a first down.

DeKalb would reach the 12, where it would again face fourth and four with 1:13 left to play. Another keep was down at the three, and with no time outs left, the Saints simply took a knee and let time expire. DeKalb claimed the 20-14 victory.

The Saints now move on to the Conference Championship where they will face Avery Trace at Cookeville High School on Thursday.