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Tigers Dominate Wildcats

The DeKalb County High School Tigers football team were on the road last week, taking on the Livingston Academy Wildcats for the season regional opener. The Tigers would get off to a slow start in the game, but would get on track and go on to dominate.

The Wildcats would get the ball to start the game and return the kick to their own 37. They would start on the ground with carries by Jaxon Boles, then a pass to Andrew Goolsby for a first down at the DeKalb 40. Boles would get two more carries, before Kaden Weitzel reached the 25 on a keeper. Another keep would end in a fumble with the Wildcats falling on the ball at the 12 for another first down. Boles would run to the three, then it was Boles again in for the touchdown. Boles would carry again for the two-point conversion and with 6:34 left in the first, the Hog-eye were up 8-0. It would be the last points they would see.

DeKalb would start their first drive of the game with a fair catch at their own 34. There, a holding penalty on the first play backed the Tigers up, but a Jordan Parker keeper took the ball to the 45 for a first down. Another keep was down at the Livingston 49, then a Ryan Lyons run was down to the 44, but another backed them up to the 42. Cecil Ketchum would run the ball down to the 16, but an illegal block would kill the play, giving DeKalb a first and one at the 35.

Another Parker keep was good to the 29, then Ketchum would carry two more times, to the 28, then the 26. DeKalb’s sloppy play continued, and a false start backed them up five yards, but then a Parker pass to Lyons was good to the 27. On a fourth and eight play, another pass connected with Lyons, in for the touchdown. A Parker keep was good for two, and with 2:00 left in the first, the game was tied 8-8.

Livingston would return the kick to their own 34, but would only gain two yards, before being pushed back to the 34 and having to punt.

DeKalb would start at the Wildcat 49, and make quick work. After a pass to Wyatt Carter fell incomplete at the start of the second quarter, a Parker keep was down at the 31. There, a Ketchum run took the ball to the 23, then a pass to Lyons was good to the 15. A pass to Jon Hendrix fell incomplete, but then Parker called his own number and was in for six. A bobbled snap killed the PAT, but the Tigers were up 14-8 with 9:58 left in the half.

The Wildcats could not get moving and their next possession saw them lose yards. Starting at their own 35, Livingston would be pushed back to their own 27 before being forced to punt.

The punt would roll dead at the DeKalb 29, but the Tigers wasted no time. A Ketchum run was good to the 35, then a keep was downed at the 38. Ketchum was handed the ball again and this time he went all the way. With the Adrian Prater PAT, the Tigers were up, 21-8 with 6:28 left in the half.

Livingston would return the kick to the 18, and would manage to get a first down on the drive. Goolsby carries took the ball to the 34, where a pass fell incomplete, then another only gained four yards. They would again have to punt.

DeKalb would start at their own 42, but would only reach the Livingston 45 due to a false start and illegal block. They would end up punting for the first time in the game. With little time on the clock, the Wildcats would end the half at midfield.

The Tigers would get the ball to start the second half, and would return to the 40. There, a Hendrix run was good to the 47, then a holding call backed them up 10 yards. A pass to Hendrix gained only two yards, then a false start backed DeKalb up to the 34. Parker would then connect with Lyons again, in for the touchdown. The extra point was good, and with 9:57 left in the third, DeKalb held a 28-8 lead.

Livingston would start at their own 40 on their next possession, but would only reach the 45 before a sack forced them to punt. Lyons would juggle the ball on the return and almost cost a turnover before falling on the ball at the 27.

A Ketchum run was good to the 38, then a Lyons carry was down at the Livingston 40. There, a Ketchum run was good for three yards, then he would get caught in the backfield for a five-yard loss. A pass to Hendrix was good at the 34, then a holding penalty backed them up further. They would have to punt.

The Wildcats, would be backed up to their own one-yard line after the punt, where on the first play the team would suffer from an injury. QB Adrian Jenkins would go down with a leg injury and would not return. Livingston would only reach the two before again having to punt.

DeKalb would be set up nicely, starting at the Wildcat 31. On a reverse, Hendrix would take the ball to the 28, then a pass to Hendrix was good to the 18. Ketchum would get the ball next and would again be in for the touchdown. The extra point was good, and with 2:17 left in the third, the Tigers commanded a 35-8 lead.

The mercy rule would then kick in, and with the Wildcats’ decimated roster it was needed. Livingston would manage one first down on their next drive, but would be forced to punt from their own 30.

The Tigers started at their own 42, and would once again push to put the game away. A pair of Ketchum runs was good to the 49, then another was good for a first down at the Wildcat 46. Ketchum would be handed the ball five more times, taking the Tigers to the three. There a hold backed them up 10, but a Parker keeper was in for a touchdown. With the PAT, the Tigers held a 42-8 lead with 4:05 left to play.

The Wildcats would get the ball at their own 20, but with the clock ticking away they would not be able to get moving. DeKalb would hand on for the 42-8 victory.

Ketchum had 17 rushes for 168 yards, and two touchdowns, while Parker had 12 for 114 and two touchdowns. Hendrix had two carries for 12 yards.

Lyons led receiving with five catches for 123 yards, and two touchdowns. Hendrix had four receptions for 34 yards. The Tigers had 472 yards on offense on 42 plays and six touchdowns.

DeKalb County (3-0) will host Watertown (0-3) for homecoming this Friday night.