Jamboree Board meets Aug. 16
The Smithville Jamboree Board will meet Thursday Aug. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the Courthouse. The public is invited.
American Legion meets Aug. 16
The American Legion and Ladies’ Auxiliary will meet Thursday, August 16th at 6:00 at the building at Snow Hill. A meal of hamburgers and hot dogs will be enjoyed before the meeting. All members are encouraged to attend. Anyone attending needs to bring a compatible dish and/or dessert.
Revival at Mt. Pisgah through Aug. 17
Mt. Pisgah FWB Church is having a revival Aug. 13-17 with Clayton Lee with services at 7 p.m. nightly.
Retirement reception for Katherine Pack Aug. 17
A reception for retiring Circuit Court Clerk Katherine Pack will be held Aug. 17 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the DeKalb County Complex.
Farm Bureau meets Aug. 18
The annual meeting of the DeKalb County Farm Bureau will be held Saturday, August 18, 2018, at 6:00 PM at the Smithville Church of Christ Annex.
The directors for the upcoming year will be announced and company service reports will be given. We will also highlight the DeKalb 4-H Program. All Farm Bureau members are invited.
A light meal will be served. Please call 615-597-7751 by August 10th so preparations can be made.
Miller reunion Aug. 18
The family of Tom and Mary Miller will hold a reunion Aug. 18 at Banks Cumberland Presbyterian Church at 2933 Banks Pisgah Road with lunch at noon. For info call Judy at 615-597-1599.
St. Gregory’s holds CCD/Sunday School
St. Gregory Catholic Church at 712 W. Main St will hold CCD/Sunday School Registration for children ages Pre-K through high school EACH SUNDAY in August after the 8 AM Mass: Aug. 19, and Aug. 26th.
CCD/Sunday School will begin on Sunday, Sept. 16.
We welcome our new Religious Education Director Bernice Alamilla. Father Michael Baltrus is the parish priest at St. Gregory’s.
Chamber event at Fish Lipz on Aug. 17
Pates Ford Marina and Fish Lipz Resort & Grill is sponsoring and hosting a Chamber “Meet, Eat, & Greet” event for all Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber Members on Friday, Aug. 17 from 5 to 7 p.m. It’s a great time to relax at a beautiful location, network with each other, and share ideas and information. Pates Ford Marina is located at 6323 Jefferson Road.
Tramel reunion Aug. 18
The annual Tramel reunion will be Saturday, August 18, 2018, at about noon in the community room in the City Hall Building on the east side of the square in Smithville, where Senior Citizens previously met!
Everyone is encouraged to attend and bring pictures, recipes, genealogical information and anything else of interest to share. Call 615-529-2570 for info.
DeKalb Farm Bureau meets Aug. 18
The annual meeting of the DeKalb County Farm Bureau will be held Saturday, Aug. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Smithville Church of Christ Annex. The directors for the upcoming year will be announced and company service reports will be given.
We will also highlight the DeKalb 4-H Program. All Farm Bureau members are invited. A light meal will be served. Please call 615-597-7751 by Aug. 10 so preparations can be made.
DeKalb Class of 1968 reunion Aug. 25
The DeKalb High Class of 1968 will hold its 50-year reunion at 5 p.m., Aug. 25 at the New Life Connection Center Call Thomas at 615-597-7263 or Brenda at 615-597-5889 by Aug. 18 for more info. Cost is $25 per person.
Warriors of Christ meeting Aug. 25
The Women’s Ministry, Lady Warriors of Christ monthly conference will be held at noon, Aug. 25 at 690 Bright Hill Road with Veronica Watson ministering.
Officials sworn in Aug. 28
Newly elected public officials will be sworn in Aug. 28 at 6 p.m. at the courthouse. Those being sworn in will include county-wide officials as well as county commissioners and school board members.
Class of ’88 reunion RSVP by Aug. 31
The Class of 1988 Tiger reunion will be held Sept. 29 from 5 to 9 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. on Sept. 29 at the Retreat at Center Hill Lake. RSVP by Aug. 31 and stay connected through Facebook at the Class of 1988 DeKalb County High School or email through The88tiger@gmail.com. Make checks payable to DCHS Class of 1988, 5026 Poplar Mill Road, Watertown, TN 37184 or through PayPal at the reunion’s email address. On PayPal use the friends and family option.
Diabetes workshop Sept. 4
On Sept. 4, the DeKalb County Health Department/Community Health Center will be offering a free Take Charge of Your Diabetes Program workshop.
The six-week program is designed for people with diabetes and caregivers to learn basic skills necessary to self-manage their diabetes and work effectively with health care professionals.
The Take Charge of Your Diabetes Program is conducted by two leaders certified by Stanford University Diabetes Self-Management Program Master Trainers.
Classes will be held every Tuesday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the DeKalb County Health Department/Community Health Center.
For more information, or to sign up for the program, please contact Megan Akins at 615-597-7599.
Blood Assurance drive Sept. 7
Blood Assurance will host a blood drive at the Family Medical Center from 8 a.m. to noon, Sept. 7. To schedule an appointment go to bloodassurance.org/familymedctr or call Trudy at 931-239-9411. All donors get a “Catch of the Day” t-shirt.
Class of ’93 reunion Sept. 8
DCHS Class of 1993 Reunion at Twisted Oaks on Sept. 8 at 6:30 p.m. We will order from the menu. There is no additional cost to attend. Please call or text Bridgett (Parsley) Loyd at (423)718-1575 or Deana (Cantrell) Colwell at (615)418-5401 or contact us on Facebook to let us know how many will be attending.
Class of ’78 reunion Sept. 8
DeKalb County High School Class of 1978 will be holding a 40 year class reunion on Saturday, Sept. 8, at New Life Connection Center, 738 South Congress Blvd., at 4 p.m. If you would like more information about attending, contact the girls at the county clerk’s office, 615-597-5177 before Aug. 24.
Free Wildlife Food Plot Mix
The TWRA and the DeKalb SCD are giving away a 1-10 pound bag of wildlife seed for the people in DeKalb County until supply last.
One bag will sow about ¼ acre. This will help feed the deer, turkeys, and songbirds. Come by the Soil Conservation office located at the USDA Service Center, 647 Bright Hill Road. Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Adcock Cemetery donations for upkeep
Anyone with family buried at Adcock Cemetery is asked to make donations for mowing. Make checks payable to Winnie Petty at 235 Petty Road, Smithville, TN 37166.
Local Help Center Needs Help From the Community
His Love Help Center has been providing free clothes, shoes, medical items and etc. for over three years to people in our community. They serve all walks of life, such as single parents, the elderly, fire victims, and more. At the current location (1100 S. College St.) the Help Center has to pay rent, phone, water, gas and electric. In order to stay open and to continue serving our community it needs your help. If you feel you are able to provide financial help, have a building they can use or a one-time donation please stop by the help center or call 615-597-(love) 5683.
Help Wanted – Be a Caris Hospice Volunteer today
Do you enjoy giving support and being a good listener to those around you? If your answer is yes, then becoming a Caris Hospice Volunteer could be for you. Please contact Gail Evans, Volunteer Coordinator at 888-537-3430 or visit the website at www.carishealthcare.com for more information or to apply.
Alexandria Ole Timers Day Sept. 15
Alexandria City Ole Timers Day and 3rd Annual Alexandria Fire Department cook will be Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. There will be food, vendors and singing!! There will also be a bike run with registration from 10-11 a.m.
Earn your High School Equivalency Diploma through Free Classes
There are free classes held at the DeKalb County Complex, Room 119 Monday – Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Registration is Monday 3:30 – 7 p.m. and Tuesday 9 a.m. to noon. Don’t see a time that works with your schedule? Ask about special appointments. Call 855-516-0160 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Classes are funded under a grant with the State of Tennessee and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
Al-Anon Meetings
The McMinnville Alanon group meets Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, 1024 Faulkner Springs Road in McMinnville. Local meetings are held at Haven of Hope, 301 West Main Street in Smithville on Fridays at 11 a.m. For more information call 615-597-4673.
Domestic Violence Support Group
A Domestic Violence Support Group is held for women in the community at Haven of Hope in Smithville. For more information, please call 615-597-4673.
DeKalb Animal Coalition
The DeKalb Animal Coalition will suspended its meetings for the summer but will pick back up the first Thursday in September at 6:30 p.m. in the second story of city hall.
Smithville Head Start Center
L.B.J. & C. Head Start is currently accepting applications to provide free comprehensive child development services to children three- five years of age from low-income families in a full-day program. Services are also offered to meet the special needs of children with disabilities. L.B.J. & C. Head Start helps all children succeed. L.B.J. & C. Head Start provides children with activities that help them grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. For more information contact the Smithville Head Start Center at 615-597-5168.