Dear Santa,
I want sum toys. I want LOL little sister and big sister. I want a MC3 player. I want play dow cooking set. I want a little live pet. I want these things that has weels. I want a new back pack please. I want my little poney please. I want flipazoo minnnie and big and large. I want a ipod. I want a snuggles the puppey.
Love, Anake Oakley
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a shirt and shorts. I also want a table and a iphone. You are nice to kids because when kids are nice you be nice to tham you are my favorite holiday ever. Santa you are the best Santa ever that everyone likes the holiday because you bring us gifts to us. Thank you for your nice day.
Love, Lizbeth Perez Rangel
Dear Santa,
I want a ipod and a tablet. I want a play car. I want leggos. I want a vacuum. I want a tv.
Love, Philip Russell
Dear Santa,
I want a soccer ball. Five nights at freddy toy gun . I want a balloon. I want a bike. And please and thank you.
Love, James Solano
Dear Santa,
Santa I’ve been a angel this year. I tried to be more than an angel but school is keeping me busy. But I want a variety of toys and clothes. I want a piano, table, and a dresss. And a puppy. I would like to be on the good list every Christmas. I love Christmas time with the white snow and Santa Clouse with his reindeer it makes me so excited I can’t even sleep on Christmas eve. Santa I love you so much.
Love, Emma Taylor
Dear Santa,
I want a dirtbike and a four wheeler and a motorcycle and a bike.
Love, Elijah Gingerich
Dear Santa,
Wen it is snow can you get me a lego Batman and a 3DS and and a lego and 11 books wen it is November I love you.
Love, Angel Rico Serna
Dear Santa,
How are you doing and how are your elfs doing. Are your reindeer flying right? I want a five table and thats all. I was wondering if you had a dog? How does this get to you if no one goes there? Bye, Bye
Love, Maggie
Ruth Myrick
Dear Santa,
I would like a 3ds an ipod a bow and arrow the men in black movie some zootopia toys a aired up basketball kung fu 1 and 2 all Alvin and the Chipmunks, football xbox games, a new xbox mindcraft game and a shotgun.
Love, Isaiah Tramel
Dear Santa,
I want a laptop a basketball hoop for kids a basketball two soccer goals a size 10 soccerball that is blue. A t.v. for my room a lot of clothes and shoes alot of toys a jumprope a hoola hoop a Doc McStuffins doll that is big pet kins happy places at Walmart a new bike a unicorn bike a unicorn helmet at walmart choclate a lot of choclate gold head phone a big polar bear a lot of five nights at freddys sisters location book a phone a table ta toy santa claws and a toyu missis claws a xbox 1 with 2 controls a dolphin a swimming pool a electric getar a lunchbox a lot of lunchables a lot of jackets a toy piano a lot of shoes a lot of shopkins pie in the face a machine that you can walk legos a trampolin a surfur board a girl toy surfur a bunny a lion a cheeta a panda a Doc mcstuffins suit with everything a toy hospital a toy box a magix sit a magix place set with everything.
Love, Jerusalem Aldino
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a Hot Wheels playset. I also want a nintendo switch with some games. I also want some sharp Hotwheels. I would like also a lego playset. I also would like lots and lots of candy. Please bring me a nike jacket. Please bring all of the other children 11 presents at least and more if possible. I also would like a fidget spinner please. Thank you Santa and I love you.
Love, Nate Patterson
Dear Santa,
I know you’ve been busy this year but I would be very happy if you got me a scrap book. I would be very very very happy. And thank you.
Love, Cassidy Orcutt
Dear Santa,
I wood like a flower and a puppy and a book case and a mall doll and a legow how tell and a teacher set and a shopechens and a toy car and a lampe and a barbye dream hows and a jojo doll.
Love, Annali Garcia
Dear Santa,
I wot a computer. I wot a dog I wot a toy helicopter. I want work station.
Love, Joshua Sosa
Dear Santa,
Quiero que para esta Navidad haya mucha paz y armonía para todas las personas y quiero muchos regalitos para mis amiguitos para que se la pasen muy contentos, y que Diosito nos cuide a todo el mundo. Feliz Navidad.
Con Amor, Chris Petriz Desirena