Does talking with teens about healthy relationships make a difference? According to teens and researchers, the answer is “yes”! Studies show parents have the greatest influence over their teen’s decisions.
Let’s Talk Month is an opportunity for parents and children to learn to communicate in an open and honest manner about responsible attitudes, behaviors and other sensitive issues. Such discussions can help young people delay risky decisions and avoid unintended consequences. Research shows that adolescents prefer their parents to be their educators. Moreover, teens often need more information, guidance and open discussions with their families.
Families play a pivotal role in helping young people make healthy decisions. Most parents want the opportunity to share their values and provide their children with accurate information. But often, parents and other adults feel uncomfortable discussing specific topics and need assistance and support in starting meaningful conversations In recognition of Let’s Talk Month the Tennessee Department of Health is sponsoring a free workshop for parents in the Upper Cumberland area:
What: How To Be An Askable Parent
When: October 26, 2017 at 5:15 p.m.
Where: DeKalb Middle School Auditorium
Who’s Invited: Parents, Grandparents, Foster Parents, and Other Caregivers
For more information contact the DeKalb County Health Department at 615-597-7599.