The poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP), shows that:
For Sen. Corker, the survey found 34 percent of respondents approved of his job performance, with 47 percent disapproving.
After Sen. Corker’s vote to repeal the ACA, 44 percent of voters said they were less likely to vote for him knowing that he is supporting health care repeal.
Less than one in three voters in Tennessee—just 32 percent—approve of the Senate Republicans’ most recent health care bill, while 50 percent disapprove.
A majority of voters also disapprove of the provisions with the proposed ACA repeal, including opposition to:
Lifetime limits and coverage caps (77 percent);
Tax cuts for the wealthy (62 percent);
More than $756 billion in cuts to Medicaid (58 percent); and
Eliminating protections for patients with pre-existing conditions (56 percent).
A majority of respondents also disapprove of President Trump cutting off federal health insurance funding, with 55 percent disapproving.
Tennessee voters are very concerned about how the process in the Senate has been handled, with 70 percent saying they opposed Congress debating a repeal plan without hearings or a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis of impact.
“Senator Corker said repealing the Affordable Care Act would ‘level the playing field’ for those seeking health insurance, but repealing and sabotaging health care threatens the wellbeing and financial security of thousands of of hardworking Tennesseans,” said Tim Hogan, spokesperson for the Drive for Our Lives. “President Trump and congressional Republicans remain determined to sabotage or repeal the ACA, and Senator Corker continues supporting these schemes despite the disastrous consequences they will have for his constituents. Tennesseans know the battle to protect their health care is not over, and they will continue fighting these attempts to strip their care.”
The survey was conducted by automated telephone interviews with 663 Tennessee registered voters from August 11, 2017 to August 13, 2017.
About “Drive for Our Lives”
After a two month bus tour at the beginning of the year that took us to over 50 cities and 15,000 miles, we are heading back on the road to continue fighting to protect access to quality, affordable health care for American families. The five-week-long Bus Tour launched on July 29, as part of the nationwide “Our Lives on the Line” Day of Action with more than 170 events in 43 states. In total, the bus tour will travel to over 20 states to tell the stories of the millions of Americans whose coverage would have been threatened under Congressional Republicans’ disastrous health care repeal bill and are still threatened by efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The tour will run throughout the August recess, stopping in the congressional districts and states of members of Congress who voted to take health care away from their constituents.
For more information on the Drive for Our Lives bus tour, visit: